Who we are and what our research is about
The Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology is an internationally renowned center for learning and memory research. More than 230 employees from over 25 countries of the world work in interdisciplinary groups to explore brain mechanisms of learning and memory processes.
Our research comprises all organizational levels of the brain – from molecular and cellular processes to neuronal networks to the analysis of complex behavior patterns in humans and animals. True to Leibniz's motto "Theoria cum Praxi", the LIN investigates the functioning of the healthy brain as well as the causes of its diseases.
The LIN constitutes a main pillar of the neurosciences in Magdeburg. In 2007, the Center for Behavioral Brain Sciences (CBBS) was founded as an excellence research center of the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg (OVGU) and central scientific organization of the Magdeburg neuroscientists.
The LIN was founded in 1992 as a successor institution of the Institute of Neurobiology and Brain Research of the Academy of Sciences of the GDR and has since been a member of the Leibniz Association and its predecessor organization, the working group "Blaue Liste". The Leibniz Association unites almost 100 independent research institutes that deal with various socially, economically and ecologically relevant issues.