Combinatorial NeuroImaging Core Facility

The Combinatorial NeuroImaging (CNI) Core Facility at the Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology combines an outstanding range of imaging techniques for non-invasive human imaging, translational animal imaging and high resolution light microscopy.

As a modern research infrastructure and dialogue platform we aim at supporting our local and external users in their scientific plans and projects with high efficiency and expertise.

The scientific focus is directed at the combination of the different techniques from molecular to the systems level to gain a comprehensive knowledge of learning and memory processes. We refer to this integrative approach as "Combinatorial NeuroImaging".

Research Infrastructure

  • Microscopy

    The Combinatorial NeuroImaging core facility provides open access to state-of-the-art microscopes that support a large spectrum of imaging methods. We offer high-resolution multi-channel STED microscope, lightsheet microscope, FLIM microscope, diverse confocal microscopes and epifluorescence microscopes. With the support of EFRE funding we build a new imaging unit for 2-photon imaging in behaving rodents. Furthermore, we support image analysis using professional software packages running on server workstations.

    We are closely collaborating with GerBI-GMB, Society for Microscopy and Image Analysis and the Multi-parametric bioimaging and cytometry (MPBIC) core facility at the University of Magdeburg.‭

    High-resolution Microscopy

    Inverse Leica TCS STED-SP8 3X

    Stimulated emission depletion microscopy


    • High resolution multi-channel STED in 3D
    • Multi-channel confocal microscopy
    • Live-Cell-Imaging
    • Tile-Scan Imaging

    Inverse Leica TCS STED-SP5

    Stimulated emission depletion microscopy


    • High resolution 2-channel STED
    • Multi-Photon-Imaging
    • Multi-channel confocal microscopy
    • Live-Cell-Imaging


    Confocal Microscopy

    Upright Leica TCS SP5


    • Multi-channel confocal microscopy
    • Live-Cell-Imaging

    2 Photon-Intravital Microscopy


    • In-vivo two-photon functional imaging of neuronal activity
    • Imaging awake headfixed mice on linerar treadmill
    • Additional recording of behavioral and physiological meta data

    Light Sheet Microscopy

    Leica SP8-Digital LightSheet Microscope


    • fast sub-cellular imaging, live and fixed
    • multi-channel 3D-FLIM imaging

    LaVision Biotec Ultramicroscope II


    • fast 3D multi-channel imaging of big samples (brains, embryos, larvae)
    • imaging of live and fixed cleared samples (reflective index from 1.33 to 1.56)

    Time-resolving Microscopy


    Fluorescence-lifetime imaging microscopy


    • Analysis of protein interactions

    Analysis Software

    For image processing and analysis the following software packages are being used at the LIN:

    • Huygens Professional
      commercial deconvolution and image analysis software
    • Imaris
      commercial three-dimensional image analysis software
    • Arivis Vision 4D + InViewR
      commercial three-dimensional image analysis software and virtual reality
    • ImageJ / Fiji
      open-source image analysis software  
  • Small Animal Imaging

    Animal imaging provides an important link between microscopy and human imaging. The available imaging techniques (MRI, SPECT/CT, PET) allow animal experiments that are comparable to studies performed on humans. In addition, animal experiments permit the combination with invasive methods in-vivo. Thus, "molecular imaging" allows to draw conclusions from physiological processes on the molecular level. The combination with pharmacological and electrophysiological methods is particularly revealing with respect to mechanistic explanations of neuronal processes.

    The Combinatorial NeuroImaging Core Facility provides users access to small animal imaging labs equipped with a 9.4 Tesla MR scanner, a SPECT/CT system and a PET scanner. The labs offer the option of sequentially combining the different modalities in the same animal.

    PET and SPECT/CT

    The small-animal in vivo radionuclide imaging lab is equipped with a Philips Mosaic PET scanner and a NanoSPECT/CT scanner (Bioscan/Mediso). PET and SPECT make it possible to visualize the biodistribution of radioactively labeled compounds. The isotropic spatial resolution with the SPECT system at the CNI exceeds 500 µm. Classical fields of application are imaging of brain metabolism and function, neurotransmitter systems and receptor distributions as well as neurodegeneration and neuroinflammation.

    9.4 Tesla Small-Animal Magnetic Resonance Scanner

    In 2018, the LIN has established an ultra-high field magnetic resonance scanner (Bruker BioSpec 94/20 UHF). This scanner is equipped with a cryocoil for high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), providing an excellent signal-to-noise ratio, and with various RF-coils suited for combining MRI techniques (anatomy, functional MRI, spectroscopy, diffusion- and perfusion weighted imaging) with optogenetic, electrophysiological, pharmacological, and similar techniques in rodents.

  • Human Brain Imaging

    For ethical reasons, neuro-scientific research on humans is for the most part confined to non-invasive methods. However, constant innovation in imaging technology and image analysis allows increasingly detailed insight into the human brain.

    Improving both spatial and temporal resolution is the driving force behind such technological developments. Additionally, combining different modalities, for example MRI with EEG or MRI with PET, will allow a much more comprehensive understanding of neuronal processes in the brain.

    The Combinatorial NeuroImaging core facility offers open access to ultra high-field magnetic resonance tomography. We provide modern MR coil technology and all common MR sequences. For functional imaging, we provide high quality visual and auditory stimulation systems as well as monitoring devices for recording physiological parameters and the behavior of subjects.

    3 Tesla Magnetic Resonance Imaging

    Funded by the federal state of Saxony-Anhalt and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the Philips 3T Achieva dStream was put into operation in November 2013. In addition to common methods for multiparametric anatomical imaging, the scanner is particularly suited for whole-brain fMRI (2 mm isotropic resolution) and simultaneous highly synchronous and artifact-reduced acquisition of EEG signals (64-channel system with carbon wire loop technology). The laboratory is characterized by numerous additional systems for the acquisition of respiration, heart rate, skin conductance, facial expression, pupil size, eye tracking and button-press dynamics. For detailed information about technical equipment at the scanner see our MRI-WIKI. When using the facility mind our lab rules.


    Electroencephalography (EEG) allows detecting the activity of neurons by the generated currents of electrically charged particles (like sodium and potassium) with a high temporal resolution of about one millisecond. An arrangement of special electrodes detects the spatial distribution of the electrical potential generated by the neuronal activity on the surface of the subject’s head. In our lab, several EEG are systems available, including an active 128-electrode device and a MR compatible system.

    Moreover, EEG measurements may be combined with multiple peripheral physiological recording and stimulation methods. Multichannel electromyography, i.e. the measurement of the electrical activity of muscles, measurement of skin conductance and breathing movements, and electrocardiography may be used to capture information on emotional states. Eye tracking and the recording of otoacoustic emissions are possible as well. Transcranial electric stimulation can be used to directly modulate brain activity.

    Sound proof chamber

    CNI operates a sound proof chamber for psychoacoustic studies of individual subjects. This includes audiometric measurement of hearing threshold using Madsen Itera II by Otometrics, characterization of basic auditory skills using MediTECH’s Brain-Boy, and speech comprehension using HörTech’s “Oldenburg Measurement Applications”.

    Mock Scanner

    CNI provides access to a mock MRI scanner including equipment for the presentation of realistic scanner noise and auditory and visual stimuli. The scanner can be used for subjects to become more comfortable in the MRI environment, to train tasks for subsequent fMRI studies and adjust the difficulty level, which may be affected by lying on the back in a narrow and noisy MRI scanner.

    7 Tesla Magnetic Resonance Imaging

    The Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology installed Europe's first 7 Tesla magnetic resonance scanner (MRI) for human studies in a dedicated building adjacent to LIN’s main building and operated it until 2021. In 2022, the device was transferred to the OVGU, but will continue to be available for use as usual.

    The stronger magnetic field generates a greatly improved single to noise ratio which is about twice as good as that of a 3 Tesla MRI. This stronger signal can be traded for higher spatial resolution of an equal factor. Thus, finer structures of the brain can be studied both anatomically and functionally. Furthermore the higher signal can also be used to reduce the required scan time which is particularly useful for learning studies.

  • Study Application

    Study Application

    Application Process

    If you want to conduct a study on CNI devices please fill in the study application below. The form will then be available as a PDF file for download and print. Please submit the signed application via mail (CNI, Brenneckestr. 6, 39118 Magdeburg), fax (0391/626392589) or personally.

    After an internal evaluation of your application according to the criteria given in the user rules, you will be informed about the acceptance of your study, your contact person(s) and the possible starting date for your project.

    User Rules

    The User Rules are the basis for all services offered by the CNI and have to be accepted by our users.

    Changes of running studies

    A new study application for a running study is necessary, if

    • the measuring time is exceeded or falls short by more than 10 %,

    • the funding changes, particularly in case you need more measuring time,

    • you want to address a new question/topic,

    • persons in charge of the project change.


    Apply Your Study

Research Topics

  • Metabolic Activity at Cellular and Systems Level

    Neural as well as glial activity and metabolism are closely related. With increasing activity, the ion movements across mitochondria and cell membranes, as well as glucose and oxygen consumption, increase. Changes in neuronal and glial metabolism trigger changes in local blood flow.

    Within the CNI we use an array of different techniques for imaging neuronal and cerebral metabolism on a macroscopic, mesoscopic and cellular level in order to uncover patterns ofneuronal activity associated with learning and memory-related processes as well as neurodegenerative diseases.

    To study the relationship between neuronal activity and metabolic state, we observe:

    • changes in blood flow, glucose consumption and oxygen metabolism using SPECT, PET and fMRI

    • changes in potassium turnover by means of SPECT imaging and histochemical detection of the K+ probe thallium (Tl+)

    • the intensity and fluorescence lifetime of intrinsic coenzymes (e.g. NADH and FAD) in living neuronal cell cultures

    • Ca2+ imaging and pH changes


    Metabolic Imaging at Cellular Level (Weber, Zuschratter)

    Cellular energy production in form of ATP depends on glycolysis and the electron transport chain within mitochondria. As a first step of this complex chain, NADH, which is intrinsically fluorescent (ex. 355nm, em. 460nm), is oxidized to the non-fluorescent NAD+. Measuring the fluorescence lifetime of NADH provides information about the microenvironment of the co-enzyme. Different cellular conditions change the ratio between bound and unbound NADH. Since free NADH has a much shorter fluorescence lifetime compared to protein bound NADH, FLIM can be used to discriminate different metabolic states of a cell, like starvation, oxygen deprivation or higher activity (e.g. cell stress, inflammation).

    By using the ultra-sensitive LINCam in single photon counting mode we study the complex relation between energy metabolism and electrical activity of neuronal cell cultures. Practically, we monitor the autofluorescence of NAD(P)H and FAD up to hours under low light conditions in combination with electrical stimulation or recording of the electrical activity via multi-electrode arrays. Following burst-activity the energy consumption of neurons shows a temporary reduction of NADH fluorescence intensity as well as an increase in the fluorescence lifetime indicating that mainly free NADH of the cytoplasm is oxidized to the non-fluorescent NAD+ whereas protein/enzyme-bound NADH persists.

    Because NADH acts in almost all cells as an intrinsic, non-invasive fluorescence probe that allows for the monitoring of the metabolic dynamics of living cells, there is a huge interest to use the redox couple NAD+/NADH and the fluorescence lifetime characteristics of NADH not only to study the energy turnover in respect to neuronal activity during synaptic plasticity (i.e. learning) but also for medical diagnostics (e.g. neuro-inflammation). Therefore, in future we will develop sensitive tools for the analysis of the relation between energy supply and cellular behaviour.

    Figure: Imaging of NAD(P)H and FAD fluorescence of neuronal cell cultures reveals changes in fluorescence intensity and fluorescence lifetime after electrical stimulation. After live cell imaging, cell cultures were fixed and immunostained with antibodies against Tubulin, Dapi and the transcription factor Ctip2. FLIM and confocal image acquisition by Ezgi Altun.


    • DFG SFB 854 TPZ
    • BMBF T-CAM4Life FKZ: 13N12675


    • LIN: Altun, E., Herrera-Molina, R., Kobler, O., Prokazov, Y., Thomas, U., Turbin, E.
    • OvGU: Arens, Ch., Davaris, N., Hartig, R., Hauser, M., Müller, A., Sabel, B., Vollmer, M., Walles, H.
    • MPI Magdeburg: Ivanov, I.
    • Univ. Mainz: Bikbaev, A., Heine, M.


    FLIM and FRET Measurements (Weber, Herrera-Molina, Zuschratter)

    CNI performs FLIM based FRET measurements of biosensors to evaluate protein-protein interactions by single photon counting with LINCam. In addition, we image biosensors able to report on the concentration of biological relevant ions, i.e. calcium (Ca2+) and proton (H+) as indicators of changes in membrane potential and the intracellular pH due to neuronal activity.

    Figure: Lifetime-based evaluation of pH changes in cultured neurons with the pH sensor (eGFP-pHsens). Left picture: basal condition; right, response to a robust stimulation (KCN, 200µM). A digital magnification highlights a dendritic segment where lifetime changes due to decreased pH occurred.


    • National: Friederich, T. (TU Berlin)
    • Magdeburg: Hartig, R., Müller, A., Schraven, B., Simioni, L. (Med Fac. OvGU)
    • LIN: Gundelfinger, ED., Thomas, U.


    • DFG CRC 854 TPZ
    • BMBF TCAM4Life (FKZ: 13N12675)


    In-vivo two-photon functional imaging of hippocampal neuronal activity (Fuhrmann, Bauer, Remy)

    The hippocampus is involved in the encoding of episodic memories and hippocampal neuronal activity correlates to spatial information, self-motion, motivation and salience and it is tuned by prior experience or altered in disease conditions. We use in vivo two-photon microscopy combined with genetically-encoded indicators (e.g. genetically encoded calcium indicators GCaMP) to study the hippocampal neuronal circuit in awake behaving mice. This method allows to measure precise spatio-temporal activity patterns, target genetically labeled subpopulations and monitor sub-cellular compartments chronically in head-fixed mice performing spatial behaviors on a linear treadmill.

    Video: Hippocampal GCamP6 expression with additional labeling of PV interneurons (red).
    Video: Recording of hippocampal activity (GCamP6) during locomotion.


    Imaging cerebral blood flow and potassium metabolism (Goldschmidt)

    During the past decades a large variety of methods for imaging neuronal activity has been developed but it has remained difficult to assess brain-wide activation patterns in unrestrained behaving rodents. We have developed novel approaches and protocols for addressing this problem. Our methods are based on intravenously injecting rodents during ongoing behavior with tracers for imaging cerebral blood flow and K+-metabolism. The distribution of these tracers can be read out after injection either in vivo using single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) or in brain sections using histochemical methods. We have patented one of the tracers we use, the lipophilic chelate complex thallium diethyldithiocarbamate (TlDDC), for imaging cerebral K+-metabolism. Our novel approaches can provide images of brain-wide spatial activation patterns - averaged over time periods of a couple of minutes - in unrestrained behaving animals. The techniques are of high value not only for studying learning and memory. They also proof to be very useful for imaging pathological alterations in mouse models of neurological or psychiatric diseases.

    Figure: SPECT images of blood flow in rat brain during an auditory learning task. A 3D volume rendered whole-brain image of cerebral blood flow is shown on the left side, a frontal section at the level of the auditory cortex overlaid on an MR image on the right side (MR–image in grayscale, SPECT pseudocolored).
    Figure: Thallium uptake in layers IV and V rat somatosensory cortex.
  • Functional Neuroanatomy

    Translational Neuromodulation (Deliano)

    The goal of our research activities is to modulate the dynamics of the brain via brain-machine interfaces (BMIs), in order to suppress pathological states. Moreover, we want to induce plastic network changes that sustainably eliminate pathological states without the need of permanent neuromodulation. In close translational collaboration with Lars Büntjen (OVGU University Hospital) we study common principles of clinical neuromodulation. We apply non-invasive, high-density EEG/MEG analysis in patients with well-defined pathological states treated by deep-brain or spinal cord stimulation (SCS). We draw on our longstanding expertise in thalamocortical neurodynamics and its electrical and pharmacological modulation both, in rodents and humans. Being hubs in the thalamocortical circuitry, we consider layer V pyramidal cells as common targets of various forms of clinical neuromodulation. They are major targets of dopaminergic modulation, and represent low-threshold sweet-spots of electric stimulation. We hypothesize that they are also involved in the generation of pathological thalamocortical oscillations observable in the EEG/MEG in various neuropsychiatric diseases. First results from patients receiving SCS-treatment of neuropathic pain, confirm that thalamocortical EEG-oscillations can be specifically linked to effects and side-effects of neuromodulation by SCS.

    Figure: Layer-sepcific cortiocthalamic interface


    • Max Happel, AG CortXplorer, Department Systems Physiology of Learning
    • Lars Büntjen, Department for Stereotactic Neurosurgery, OVGU University Hospital


    Hemispheric interactions during auditory learning (Angenstein, Budinger, Michalek, Wenk)

    The left and right auditory cortex are differentially specialized for the processing of distinct spectral and temporal acoustic features (e.g., frequency, duration), which lead, for example, to a left-hemispheric dominance for the processing of speech and species-specific vocalizations. Longstanding research at the LIN has demonstrated that common mechanisms exist in humans and rodents that underlie lateralized auditory cortex functions; however, the role of functional hemispheric interactions during auditory processing and in particular learning still remains unclear. Moreover, it is not understood how these interactions change due to a decline of the underlying anatomical prerequisites (corpus callosum, anterior commissure) and how dysfunctions of the interhemispheric connectivities may be compensated. Using an animal model of auditory learning (Mongolian gerbil), Go/No-Go behavioral paradigms, selective photolytic apoptosis of commissural neurons, and functional magnetic resonance tomography (fMRI) under binaural stimulation (including contralateral noise procedure) this project aims at revealing the effect of disruption of interhemispheric crosstalk during auditory learning. Thereby, the identification of compensatory mechanisms may lead to new therapeutic approaches for rehabilitation of patients with compromised hemispheric interaction (e.g., in the elderly) and/or with unilateral brain lesions (e.g., tumors).


    • LIN Special Project 2018 "Crosstalk between hemispheres during auditory learning: Disturbance and compensation"


    Functional anatomy of the brain during health and disease (Akter, Bhattacharjee, Budinger, Goldschmidt, Wenk)

    Neuroinflammatory infectious diseases like cerebral malaria and toxoplasmosis as well as age-related neurodegenerations such as Parkinson and Alzheimer disease often lead to severe alterations of the brain structure and function. In several projects combining state-of-the-art immunohistological brain staining techniques and non-invasive small animal imaging like SPECT (single-photon emission computed tomography), MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) and MRS (magnetic resonance spectroscopy) we investigate the progress of these diseases and causal links between anatomical changes and specific dysfunctions of the brain. We also test diverse therapeutic approaches like pharmacological interventions and non-invasive TDCS (transcranial direct current stimulation).


    • Lisa Carius, Institute for Automation Engineering, Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg
    • Philipp Ruhnau, Clinic for Neurology, Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg
    • Dirk Schlüter, Nishanth Gopola, Institute for Medical Microbiology and Hospital Epidemiology, Hannover Medical School


    • ABINEP - Analysis, Imaging, and Modelling of Neuronal and Inflammatory Processes; Project 2 (Modul 1): Development of new techniques for visualization of neuroinflammatory processes during infections and autoimmunity diseases of the brain.
    • CBBS NeuroNetwork "Non-invasive Deep Brain Stimulation for Motor Disorders (NeeMo)"


    Superresolution Microscopy (Kobler, Zuschratter)

    Microscopy beyond the diffraction limit has become very popular in recent years and many efforts have been done to improve the resolution limit down to few 10th of nanometer by taking advantage of the fact that fluorophores can repeatedly be switched between an on and off state. In CNI these advanced light microscopic techniques are mainly used to discover colocalizations within the molecular machinery on both sides of synaptic contacts (see: Hradsky J., et al. 2013; Fidzinski P., et al. 2015; Mikhaylova, M., et al., 2018).

    Figure: Immunocytochemical localisation of pre- and postsynaptic proteins Bassoon (red) and Homer (green) along dendrites (blue) of hippocampal cell cultures by confocal (LSM) and STED microscopy.


    Metal induced energy transfer (Weber, Zuschratter)

    Metal induced energy transfer (MIET) is a nanoscopy technique to measure distances from fluorescent molecules to a metal film. Here we applied MIET acquisition using wide-field and TIRF fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) in combination with a position sensitive single photon counting camera system (LINCam) to study T-cell receptor clustering within the plasma membrane of lymphocytes.

    Figure: T-lymphocytes transfected with GFP-Lck were fixed on gold coated coverslips with a layer of CD3 antibodies. Under standard epifluorescence illumination (a, d) conditions the T-cells show the typical lifetime and intensity for GFP after excitation with a 488 nm pulsed laser. Switching to TIRF illumination (b, e) revealed a much higher lifetime contrast related to the MIET effect near the gold coating. Using a maximum entropy method (MEM) to discriminate fluorescence lifetime components, we show that the fast lifetime components of 0,38 ns and 0,82 ns form typical clustering of the protein kinase (c, f) along the plasma membrane after T-cell receptor stimulation by the CD3 antibodies.


    • International and national: Y. Ma, K. Gauss, UNSW Sydney, J. Enderlein, Univ. Göttingen
    • Magdeburg: Hartig, R., Kaestle, M., Müller, A., Philipsen, L., Schraven, B., Simeoni, L., (Med Fac. OvGU)
    • LIN: Gundelfinger, E. D., Herrera-Molina, R., Thomas, U.


    • DFG: ZU 59/10-2
    • DFG SFB 854 TPZ 01


    Lightsheet Microscopy (Kobler)

    In addition to high-resolution microscopy 3D visualization of labeled structures in intact transparent tissue is a key topic of CNI. To this end, in cooperations with Dept. Genetics of Learning and Memory (B. Gerber, T. Saumweber), Dept. Neurochemistry and Molecular Biology (U. Thomas) and the Small Animal subunit of CNI (E. Budinger) we develop protocols for optimal clarification of Drosophila larvae and rodent brains and generate 3D records in the order of 50-400 GB by confocal or light-sheet microscopy.

    Figure: A whole Drosophila melanogaster L3 larva, expressing UAS-CAAX-mCherry pan neural, was cleared, sequentially imaged by focal sectioning and 3D reconstructed. The 38,5 GByte image consists of 52 tiles, each 707 z-slices. Cooperation with B. Gerber, T. Saumweber (Dept. Genetics of Learning and Memory, LIN)


    Electron Microscopy (Faber-Zuschratter, Stöter, Zuschratter)

    Correlative super-resolution Light- and Electron Microscopy (CLEM), large scale electron microscopy as well as cryo-EM and 3D FIB-SEM are powerful tools to discover structural and functional changes at the ultrastructural level.

    Within CNI we use CLEM and 3D FIB-SEM techniques to:

    • analyse modifications in synaptic profiles of brain tissue or cell cultures
    • explore the molecular organization and dynamics of the immune synapse (IS)

    Figure: Overview and regions of interest from a series of ultrathin sections of hippocampal mouse brain. The images show some focal planes out of 21 serial 70 nm thick sections with a size of 500 MB each (total size of stack: 10,5 GB). A: overview; B: ROI from stratum radiatum in A; C-G: details of synaptic contacts along a dendrite of a pyramidal cell of CA1 shown in B, H-L: Segmentation of pre- and postsynaptic elements; M: 3D reconstruction from H-L.

    Figure: Correlated Light- (A) and Electron-microscopic view (B) of identified B-/T-cell pairs. EM-micrographs were taken by a scanning EM equipped with a focused ion beam (FIB) that allowed acquisition of serial images with an isotropic voxel size of 5 nm through the immune cells. (C) Contact points (yellow) along the immune synapse between B-T-cell membranes were identified and 3D reconstructed.

    Since CNI doesn't own such instrumentation the necessary imaging techniques (e.g. 3D scanning electron microscope (SEM)) are provided by several collaborating facilities at Univ. Zürich, Univ. Utrecht and EMBL Heidelberg. The latter two belong to the European CORBEL network, which provides shared services for life sciences and grants travel funds to members of CNI.


    • International and national: Bulitta, B., Jäntsch, L. (HZI Braunschweig), Lindenau, J. (Carl Zeiss Microscopy, Oberkochen), Ronchi, P., Schwab, Y., (EMBL Heidelberg), Kaech, A., Mateos, J., Ziegler, U. (University Zürich), Liv, N., Klumperman, J., (Univ. Med. Center Utrecht)
    • Magdeburg: Hartig, R., Kaestle, M., Müller, A., Philipsen, L., Schraven, B., Simeoni, L., (Med Fac. OvGU)
    • LIN: Gundelfinger, E. D., Herrera-Molina, R., Thomas, U.


    • DFG: ZU 59/10-2
    • DFG SFB 854 TPZ 01
  • Dynamics of Learning & Cognition

    Neural, psychophysiological and behavioral dynamics of learning by feedback (Lommerzheim, Wolff, Angenstein, Stadler, Brechmann)

    Tutorial systems in a learning environment should support the user in reaching his specific leaning goals and react to his level of knowledge and individual abilities in a pedagogical reasonable manner. For this a comprehensive model of the user is essential taking the user’s prior knowledge and interaction history into account as well as his current affective state. Our research project will focus on an interactive learning task, in which the user is supported by a tutorial system component. Neurophysiological data (fMRT, EEG) and psychophysiological data (ECG, skin conductance, respiration) as well as details of user’s behavior (dynamics of key stroke, facial expressions) are recorded synchronously, in order to determine changing affective and cognitive user states by multimodal data analysis. The interdisciplinary analysis and interpretation of the interconnection between the partially weak signals of the single modalities, and the development and optimization of the classifiers for affect recognition are the primary goals of our research project.


    • Friedhelm Schwenker, Institute of Neural Information Processing, Ulm University


    • DFG BR 2267/9-1 "Multimodal recognition of affect over the course of a tutorial learning experiment"


    Brain mechanisms of information processing in dialogues (Wolff, Angenstein, Brechmann)

    Humans interpret interactions with technical systems as a dialogue. Each action of the system represents a feedback on the previous action of the user, who may utilize it for goal-oriented actions in subsequent interaction steps and interprets it with regard to a potential intentionality of the system. Neuroscientifically, these dynamic processes and their interplay with mutual adaptation of behavior and the derivation of intentions and goals of the counterpart have hardly been investigated. The subproject deals with the question which neurobiological mechanisms to consider when conceptualizing anticipatory assistive systems. The aim is to record the temporal dynamics of the neuronal activity of dialog-relevant brain systems as well as psychophysiological and behavioral parameters during the course of interactive problem solving. From this, hypotheses about current strategies and intentions of the user are derived, which serve as a basis for tailor-made interventions and metadialogs initiated by technical systems. Understanding the effects of such dialogical interventions on brain activity and behavior will contribute to the neuroscientific foundation of human-computer interactions.


    • Myra Spiliopoulou, Knowledge Management & Discovery Lab, OVGU Magdeburg


    • EFRE ZS/2017/10/88785 "Brain mechanisms of information processing in dialogues"


    Effect of aging on lateralization of auditory processing and hemispheric interaction (Stadler, Brechmann, Angenstein)

    The goal of this project is to better understand the deficits in central auditory processing in individuals with hearing impairment. Speech processing requires the processing of various basic acoustic parameters. The left and right auditory cortex are involved to different degrees in these processes. This different lateralization of processing requires efficient cooperation of the auditory cortices of both hemispheres during auditory processing. There is evidence that the lateralization of processing in the brain and the interaction between the hemispheres changes with age which may cause hearing deficits. We investigate how hemispheric involvement and hemispheric interaction in audition changes with age and what effect this has on auditory cognitive abilities. We want to develop intervention approaches to improve hemispheric interaction in old adults on an individual level to enable good listening competence.


    • DFG / AN 861/4-2 "Hemispheric interaction during lateralized auditory processing in humans: effects of task difficulty, training and age"


    Lateralized auditory processing in cochlear implant users (Seidel, Stadler, Deliano, Angenstein)

    Many people with severe hearing loss can be helped to hear well with cochlear implants. However, there are significant differences in speech perception and hearing quality between users after implantation. We investigate the relationships between implantation, lateralisation of auditory processing and hemispheric interaction in cochlear implant users. The aim is to improve the speech competence of cochlear implant users by taking into account the knowledge of the central processing of basic acoustic parameters of each individual user at each level of clinical care. The reasons for the significant differences in speech perception and hearing quality after cochlear implantation will be revealed. This should allow for an adjustment of the treatment to achieve the best possible hearing quality and speech competence after implantation.

    Figure: The contralateral noise procedure to investigate lateralized processing in the human auditory cortex and hemispheric interaction with fMRI


    • Beate Wendt, Department of Otorhinolaryngology of the University Hospital of the Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg; Director: Prof. Dr. med. Christoph Arens
    • Jesko L. Verhey, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Department of Experimental Audiology
    • Horst Hessel, Cochlear Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG


    Neural basis of program comprehension (Peitek, Brechmann)

    Software developers spend most of their time with reading and understanding source code. Early theories of program comprehension have proposed hypothesis-driven (top-down) mechanisms and line-by-line (bottom-up) mechanisms of understanding code. However, the underlying cognitive processes of top-down and bottom-up program comprehension are still essentially unclear.

    In the first project phase, we have set out to directly studying these processes by means of objective measures obtained from functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). We have identified a set of brain regions specifically involved when participants are trying to understand source code. The pattern of activation was indicative of semantic processing tied to the left, i.e., the speech hemisphere, as well as attention and working memory functions. Promoting top-down comprehension, e.g., by informative beacons, have led to reduced activation in some of these brain areas, suggesting less cognitive effort, which we have confirmed by behavioral data. Our results have paved the way for other researchers using our neuro-imaging approach for follow-up studies on program comprehension.

    The second project phase will refine our experimental framework by including eye tracking for specifying the time course of visual attention to inform a more specific analysis of the fMRI data as well as psycho-physiological measures (pupillometry, skin conductance, heart rate, and respiration) to identify changes in cognitive load. With this approach, we will study the impact of structural code elements (if-then-else statements, loops, recursion) as well as programming experience on top-down program comprehension and concomitant objective measures of brain activity, psycho-physiology, and behavior. Finally, based on the progress in the neurosciences on the neural basis of object processing, we will tackle the long-standing question about differences between object-oriented and functional programming.

    Please find publications, source code and further details on this project at


    • Janet Siegmund, Technical University Chemnitz
    • Sven Apel, Saarland University
    • Chris Parnin, NC State University, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA


    • DFG BR 2267/2-1 "Understanding Program Comprehension in the Neuro-Imaging Age”
    • DFG BR 2267/7-2 "Linking Program Comprehension to Neural, Behavioral, and Psycho-Physiological Correlates"

The Combinatorial NeuroImaging Core Facility

  • Team
    Fahmida AkterPhD Student+49-391-6263-95431
    Dr. Nicole AngensteinScientist, PI+49-391-6263-92182
    Renate Blobel-LüerTechnical Assistance Human Imaging+49-391-6263-92172
    Dr. André BrechmannCNI Coordinator, PI+49-391-6263-92161
    Prof. Dr. Eike BudingerResponsible for 9.4T MRI, PI+49-391-6263-95421
    Dr. Matthias DelianoResponsible for Human EEG, PI+49-391-6263-91341
    Andreas FügnerElectrical Engineer Human Imaging+49-391-6263-92191
    Dr. Jürgen GoldschmidtResponsible for SPECT/CT, PI+49-391-6263-95421
    Lisa-Marie GoncalvesPhD Student+49-391-6263-93471
    Tobias GottschallResearch Data and Software Engineer+49-391-6263-92151
    Anna GroppePhD Student+49-391-6263-92141
    Junjie HuangStipendiat+49-391-6263-93311
    Dr. Hongbo JiaCNI Coordinator, Responsible for 2 Photon Imaging+49-391-6263-93331
    Dr. Oliver KoblerResponsible for CLSM/STED, Light Sheet+49-391-6263-93221
    Annika MichalekPhD Student+49-391-6263-93471
    Anke MichalskyTechnical Assistance 3T MRI+49-391-6263-92191
    Dr. Norman PeitekGuest Scientist+49-391-6263-92152
    Holger ReimTechnical Assistance SPECT/CT+49-391-6263-95431
    Stefan RichterScientist+49-391-6263-92391
    Gabriele SchöpsTechnical Assistance EEG+49-391-6263-91351
    Dr. Jörg StadlerResponsible for Human MRI+49-391-6263-92171
    Janet StallmannTechnical Assistance 9.4T MRI+49-391-6263-95461
    Torsten StöterResearch Data and Software Engineer+49-391-6263-92151
    Sybille TschornTechnical Assistance Microscopy+49-391-6263-93141
    André WeberApplication Specialist Microscopy+49-391-6263-92121
    Patricia WenkApplication Specialist 9.4T MRI+49-391-6263-95431
    Dr. Werner ZuschratterResponsible for FLIM, PI+49-391-6263-92121
  • Publications



    Angenstein N. 2024. Asymmetries and hemispheric interaction in the auditory system of elderly people. Frontiers in Neuroimaging. 2:Article 1320989.

    Murkar R., von Heckel C., Walles H., Moch T.B., Arens C., Davaris N., Weber A., Zuschratter W., Baumann S., Reinhardt J., Kopp S. 2024. Establishment of a Human Immunocompetent 3D Tissue Model to Enable the Long-Term Examination of Biofilm–Tissue Interactions. Bioengineering. 11 (2), art. no. 187.

    Muehlberg F, Mohnike K, Grosser OS, Pech M, Goldschmidt J, Smalla K-H, Seidensticker R, Ümütlü MR, Deniz S, Ricke J, et al. 2024. In vivo evaluation of tumor uptake and bio-distribution of 99mTc-labeled 1-thio-β-D-glucose and 5-thio-D-glucose in mice model. EJNMMI radiopharmacy and chemistry. 9(1):Article 26.

    Oelschlegel AM, Bhattacharjee R, Wenk P, Harit K, Rothkötter H-J, Koch SP, Boehm-Sturm P, Matuschewski K, Budinger E, Schlüter D, et al. 2024. Beyond the microcirculation: sequestration of infected red blood cells and reduced flow in large draining veins in experimental cerebral malaria. Nature Communications. 15(1):Article 2396.



    Adasme T, Hidalgo C, Herrera-Molina R. 2023. Editorial: Emerging views and players in neuronal calcium signaling: synaptic plasticity, learning/memory, aging and neuroinflammation. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience. 17:Article 1197417.

    Angenstein N, Brancucci A. 2023. Editorial: Hemispheric asymmetries in the auditory domain, volume II. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 17:Article 1263317.

    Bellmann P, Kessler V, Brechmann A, Schwenker F. 2023. Button Press Dynamics: Beyond Binary Information in Button Press Decisions. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems: 469-477.

    Grandjean J, Desrosiers-Gregoire G, Anckaerts C, Angeles-Valdez D, Ayad F, Barrière DA, Blockx I, Bortel A, Broadwater M, Cardoso BM, et al. 2023. A consensus protocol for functional connectivity analysis in the rat brain. Nature Neuroscience. 26(4):673-681.

    Grochowska KM, Gomes GM, Raman R, Kaushik R, Sosulina L, Kaneko H, Oelschlegel AM, Yuanxiang P, Reyes-Resina I, Bayraktar G, … Goldschmidt J. …et al. 2023. Jacob-induced transcriptional inactivation of CREB promotes Aβ-induced synapse loss in Alzheimer's disease. The EMBO journal. 42(4):Article e112453.

    Gu M, Li X, Liang S, Zhu J, Sun P, He Y, Yu H, Li R, Zhou Z, Lyu J, … Jia H. … et al. 2023. Rabies virus-based labeling of layer 6 corticothalamic neurons for two-photon imaging in vivo. iScience. 26(5):Article 106625.

    Huang J, Liang S, Li L, Li X, Liao X, Hu Q, Zhang C, Jia H, Chen X, Wang M, et al. 2023. Daily two-photon neuronal population imaging with targeted single-cell electrophysiology and subcellular imaging in auditory cortex of behaving mice. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience. 17:Article 1142267.

    Huang W, Wang Y, Qin J, He C, Li Y, Wang Y, Li M, Lyu J, Zhou Z, Jia H, et al. 2023. A corticostriatal projection for sound-evoked and anticipatory motor behavior following temporal expectation. NeuroReport. 34(1):1-8.

    Jamaludeen N, Kuhn F, Brechmann A, Fuhrmann F, Remy S, Spiliopoulou M. 2023. Inferring Salient Motifs during Learning Experiments. Sicilia R, Kane B, Almeida JR, Spiliopoulou M, Andrades JAB, Placidi G, Gonzalez AR, Hrsg. in Proceedings - 2023 IEEE 36th International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, CBMS 2023. IEEE. S. 245-251. (Proceedings - IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems).

    Li R, Huang J, Li L, Zhao Z, Liang S, Liang S, Wang M, Liao X, Lyu J, Zhou Z, et al. 2023. Holistic bursting cells store long-term memory in auditory cortex. Nature Communications. 14(1):Article 8090.

    Li X, Song S, Yao J, Liao X, Chen M, Zhai J, Lang L, Lin C, Zhang N, Yuan C, … Jia H … et al. 2023. Autofluorescence spectral analysis for detecting urinary stone composition in emulated intraoperative ambient. Spectrochimica acta. Part A, Molecular and biomolecular spectroscopy. 300:Article 122913.

    Li R, Wang S, Lyu J, Chen K, Sun X, Huang J, Sun P, Liang S, Li M, Yang M, … Jia H … et al. 2023. Ten-kilohertz two-photon microscopy imaging of single-cell dendritic activity and hemodynamics in vivo. Neurophotonics. 10(2):Article 025006.

    Malci A, Lin X, Shi YS, Herrera-Molina R. 2023. Neuroplastin in Ca2+ signal regulation and plasticity of glutamatergic synapses. Neural Regeneration Research. 18(8):1705-1706.

    Mancini N, Thoener J, Tafani E, Pauls D, Mayseless O, Strauch M, Eichler K, Champion A, Kobler O, Weber D, et al. 2023. Rewarding capacity of optogenetically activating a giant GABAergic central-brain interneuron in larval Drosophila. Journal of Neuroscience. 43(44):7393-7428.

    Montag D, Liang Y, Herrera-Molina R, Lin X, Ormazabal-Toledo R, Yao S, Shi YS. 2023. Deafness causing neuroplastin missense variants fail to promote plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase levels and Ca2+ transient regulation in brain neurons. Journal of Biological Chemistry.

    Nöthen T, Sarabi MA, Weinert S, Zuschratter W, Morgenroth R, Mertens PR, Braun-Dullaeus RC, Medunjanin S. 2023. DNA-Dependent Protein Kinase Mediates YB-1 (Y-Box Binding Protein)-Induced Double Strand Break Repair. Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology. 43(2):300-311.

    Sen ZD, Chand T, Danyeli LV, Kumar VJ, Colic L, Li M, Yemisken M, Javaheripour N, Refisch A, Opel N, et al. 2023. The effect of ketamine on affective modulation of the startle reflex and its resting-state brain correlates. Scientific Reports. 13(1):Article 13323.

    Stadler J, Brechmann A, Angenstein N. 2023. Effect of age on lateralized auditory processing. Hearing Research. 434:Article 108791.

    Stollmeier M, Kahlert S, Zuschratter W, Oster M, Wimmers K, Isermann B, Rothkötter H-J, Nossol C. 2023. Air-liquid interface cultures trigger a metabolic shift in intestinal epithelial cells (IPEC-1). Histochemistry and cell biology.

    Stöter T, Gottschall T, Schrader A, Zentis P, Valencia-Schneider M, Kandpal N, Zuschratter W, Schauss A, Dickscheid T, Mühlhaus T, et al. 2023. Combining the BIDS and ARC Directory Structures for Multimodal Research Data Organization.

    Thane M, Paisios E, Stöter T, Krüger A-R, Gläß S, Dahse A-K, Scholz N, Gerber B, Lehmann DJ, Schleyer M. 2023. High-resolution analysis of individual Drosophila melanogaster larvae uncovers individual variability in locomotion and its neurogenetic modulation. Open biology. 13(4):Article 220308.

    Vosskuhl J, Herrmann CS, Brechmann A, Scheich H. 2023 Simultaneous Electroencephalography and Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Human Auditory System. In EEG-fMRI: Physiological Basis, Technique, and Applications, Second Edition, pp. 547-564.

    Wolff S, Brechmann A. 2023. Dorsal posterior cingulate cortex responds to negative feedback information supporting learning and relearning of response policies. Cerebral Cortex. 33(10):5947-5956.




    Brancucci A, Angenstein N. 2022. Editorial: Hemispheric Asymmetries in the Auditory Domain. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. 16:Article 892786.

    Chander BS, Deliano M, Azañón E, Büntjen L, Stenner M-P. 2022. Non-invasive recording of high-frequency signals from the human spinal cord. NeuroImage. 253:Article 119050.

    Deliano M, Seidel P, Vorwerk U, Stadler B, Angenstein N. 2022. Effect of cochlear implant side on early speech processing in adults with single-sided deafness. Clinical Neurophysiology. 140:29-39.

    Ding F, Liang S, Li R, Yang Z, He Y, Yang S, Duan Q, Zhang J, Lyu J, Zhou Z, et al. 2022. Astrocytes exhibit diverse Ca2+ changes at subcellular domains during brain aging. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience. 14:Article 1029533.

    Guzmán Salas S, Weber A, Malci A, Lin X, Herrera-Molina R, Cerpa W, Dorador C, Signorelli J, Zamorano P. 2022. The metabolite p-cresol impairs dendritic development, synaptogenesis and synapse function in hippocampal neurons: Implications for autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Neurochemistry.

    Jamaludeen N, Unnikrishnan V, Brechmann A, Spiliopoulou M. 2022. Discovering Instantaneous Granger Causalities in Non-stationary Categorical Time Series Data. Michalowski M, Abidi SSR, Abidi S, Hrsg. in Artificial Intelligence in Medicine - 20th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, AIME 2022, Proceedings. Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science: 200-209.

    Malci A, Sandoval R, Gundelfinger ED, Naumann M, Seidenbecher C, Herrera-Molina R. 2022. Ca2+ signaling in postsynaptic neurons: neuroplastin-65 regulates the interplay between plasma membrane Ca2+ ATPases and ionotropic glutamate receptors. Cell calcium. 106:Article 102623.

    Meka DP, Kobler O, Hong S, Friedrich CM, Wuesthoff S, Henis M, Schwanke B, Krisp C, Schmuelling N, Rueter R, Ruecker T, Betleja E, Cheng T, Mahjoub MR, Soba P, Schlüter H, Fornasiero EF, Calderon de Anda F. 2022. Centrosome-dependent microtubule modifications set the conditions for axon formation. Cell Reports. 39(3):Article 110686.

    Oleksiievets N, Mathew C, Thiele JC, Gallea JI, Nevskyi O, Gregor I, Weber A, Tsukanov R, Enderlein J. 2022. Single-Molecule Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Using Wide-Field and Confocal-Laser Scanning Microscopy: A Comparative Analysis. Nano letters.

    Qin H, Fu L, Jian T, Jin W, Liang M, Li J, Chen Q, Yang X, Du H, Liao X, et al. 2022. REM sleep-active hypothalamic neurons may contribute to hippocampal social-memory consolidation. Neuron. 110(23):4000-4014.e6.

    Saldeitis K, Jeschke M, Michalek A, Henschke JU, Wetzel W, Ohl FW, Budinger E. 2022. Selective interruption of auditory interhemispheric crosstalk impairs discrimination learning of frequency-modulated tone direction but not gap detection and discrimination. Journal of Neuroscience. 42(10):2025-2038.

    Tang J, Xue R, Wang Y, Li M, Jia H, Pakan JMP, Li L, Chen X, Li X. 2022. Optical Fiber-Based Recording of Climbing Fiber Ca2+ Signals in Freely Behaving Mice. Biology. 11(6):Article 907.

    Tegelbeckers J, Brechmann A, Breitling-Ziegler C, Bonath B, Flechtner H-H, Krauel K. 2022. Neural Mechanisms Underlying the Effects of Novel Sounds on Task Performance in Children With and Without ADHD. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 16:Article 878994. fnhum.2022.878994

    Wackernagel L-M, Abdi Sarabi M, Weinert S, Zuschratter W, Richter K, Fischer KD, Braun-Dullaeus RC, Medunjanin S. 2022. IKKγ/NEMO Localization into Multivesicular Bodies. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 23(12):Article 6778.

    Wang M, Liu K, Pan J, Li J, Sun P, Zhang Y, Li L, Guo W, Xin Q, Zhao Z, Liu Y, Zhou Z, Lyu J, Zheng T, Han Y, Zhang C, Liao X, Zeng S, Jia H, Chen X. 2022. Brain-wide projection reconstruction of single functionally defined neurons. Nature Communications. 13(1):Article 1531.

    Wolff S, Brechmann A. 2022. Dorsal posterior cingulate cortex responds to negative feedback information supporting learning and relearning of response policies. Cerebral Cortex.



    Braun K, Mannewitz A, Bock J, Kreitz S, Hess A, Scheich H, Goldschmidt J. 2021. Imaging of Functional Brain Circuits during Acquisition and Memory Retrieval in an Aversive Feedback Learning Task: Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography of Regional Cerebral Blood Flow in Freely Behaving Rats. Brain Sciences. 11(5):Article 659.

    Buentjen L, Vicheva P, Chander BS, Beccard S-A, Coutts C, Azañón E, Stenner M-P, Deliano M. 2021. Spatial Filtering of Electroencephalography Reduces Artifacts and Enhances Signals Related to Spinal Cord Stimulation (SCS). Neuromodulation : journal of the International Neuromodulation Society. 24(8):1317-1326.

    Debska-Vielhaber G, Miller I, Peeva V, Zuschratter W, Walczak J, Schreiber S, Petri S, Machts J, Vogt S, Szczepanowska J, Gellerich FN, Hermann A, Vielhaber S, Kunz WS. 2021. Impairment of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation in skin fibroblasts of SALS and FALS patients is rescued by in vitro treatment with ROS scavengers. Experimental Neurology. 339:Article 113620.

    Düsedau HP, Steffen J, Figueiredo CA, Boehme JD, Schultz K, Erck C, Korte M, Faber-Zuschratter H, Smalla K-H, Dieterich D, Kröger A, Bruder D, Dunay IR. 2021. Influenza A Virus (H1N1) Infection Induces Microglial Activation and Temporal Dysbalance in Glutamatergic Synaptic Transmission. mBio. 12(5):Article e0177621.

    El-Tabbal M, Niekisch H, Henschke JU, Budinger E, Frischknecht R, Deliano M, Happel MFK. 2021. The extracellular matrix regulates cortical layer dynamics and cross-columnar frequency integration in the auditory cortex. Communications biology. 4(1):Article 322.

    Hajizadeh A, Matysiak A, Brechmann A, König R, May PJC. 2021. Why do humans have unique auditory event-related fields? Evidence from computational modeling and MEG experiments. Psychophysiology. 58(4):Article e13769.

    Ilic K, Lin X, Malci A, Stojanović M, Puljko B, Rožman M, Vukelić Ž, Heffer M, Montag D, Schnaar RL, Kalanj-Bognar S, Herrera-Molina R, Mlinac-Jerkovic K. 2021. Plasma membrane calcium ATPase-neuroplastin complexes are selectively stabilized in GM1-containing lipid rafts. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 22(24):Article 13590.

    Kobler O, Weiglein A, Hartung K, Chen Y-C, Gerber B, Thomas U. 2021. A quick and versatile protocol for the 3D visualization of transgene expression across the whole body of larval Drosophila. Journal of Neurogenetics. 35(3):306-319.

    Krick N, Ryglewski S, Pichler A, Bikbaev A, Götz T, Kobler O, Heine M, Thomas U, Duch C. 2021. Separation of presynaptic Cav2 and Cav1 channel function in synaptic vesicle exo- and endocytosis by the membrane anchored Ca2+ pump PMCA. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 118(28):Article e2106621118.

    Lin X, Brunk MGK, Yuanxiang P, Curran AW, Zhang E, Stöber F, Goldschmidt J, Gundelfinger ED, Vollmer M, Happel MFK, Herrera-Molina R, Montag D. 2021. Neuroplastin expression is essential for hearing and hair cell PMCA expression. Brain Structure and Function. 226(5):1533-1551.

    Lin X, Liang Y, Herrera-Molina R, Montag D. 2021. Neuroplastin in Neuropsychiatric Diseases. Genes. 12(10):Article 1507.

    Peitek N, Apel S, Parnin C, Brechmann A, Siegmund J. 2021. Program Comprehension and Code Complexity Metrics: An fMRI Study. In International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE). IEEE Computer Society. pp. 524-536.

    Prior MJW, Bast T, McGarrity S, Goldschmidt J, Vincenz D, Seaton A, Hall G, Pitiot A. 2021. Ratlas-LH: An MRI template of the Lister hooded rat brain with stereotaxic coordinates for neurosurgical implantations. Brain and neuroscience advances. 5:Article 23982128211036332.

    Saldeitis K, Jeschke M, Budinger E, Ohl FW, Happel MFK. 2021. Laser-Induced Apoptosis of Corticothalamic Neurons in Layer VI of Auditory Cortex Impact on Cortical Frequency Processing. Frontiers in neural circuits. 15:Article 659280.

    Wang M, Weber A, Hartig R, Zheng Y, Krafft D, Vidaković-Koch T, Zuschratter W, Ivanov I, Sundmacher K. 2021. Scale up of Transmembrane NADH Oxidation in Synthetic Giant Vesicles. Bioconjugate chemistry. 32(5):897-903.

    Wendt B, Stadler J, Verhey JL, Hessel H, Angenstein N. 2021. Effect of contralateral noise on speech intelligibility. Neuroscience. 459:59-69.



    Abolfazli A, Brechmann A, Wolff S, Spiliopoulou M. 2020. Machine learning identifies the dynamics and influencing factors in an auditory category learning experiment. Scientific Reports. 10(1):Article 6548.

    Aggelopoulos NC, Deike S, Selezneva E, Scheich H, Brechmann A, Brosch M. 2020. Predictive cues for auditory stream formation in humans and monkeys. European Journal of Neuroscience. 51(5):1254-1264.

    Buentjen L, Vicheva P, Chander BS, Beccard S-A, Coutts C, Azañón E, Stenner M-P, Deliano M. 2020. Spatial Filtering of Electroencephalography Reduces Artifacts and Enhances Signals Related to Spinal Cord Stimulation (SCS). Neuromodulation: Journal of the International Neuromodulation Society.

    Deane KE, Brunk MGK, Curran AW, Zempeltzi MM, Ma J, Lin X, Abela F, Aksit S, Deliano M, Ohl FW, Happel MFK. 2020. Ketamine anaesthesia induces gain enhancement via recurrent excitation in granular input layers of the auditory cortex. Journal of Physiology.

    Deliano M, Brunk MGK, El-Tabbal M, Zempeltzi MM, Happel MFK, Ohl FW. 2020. Dopaminergic neuromodulation of high gamma stimulus phase-locking in gerbil primary auditory cortex mediated by D1/D5-receptors. European Journal of Neuroscience. 51(5):1315-1327.

    Dürschmid S, Reichert C, Walter N, Hinrichs H, Heinze H-J, Ohl FW, Tononi G, Deliano M. 2020. Self-regulated critical brain dynamics originate from high frequency-band activity in the MEG. PloS one. 15 (6):e0233589.

    Goldschmidt J, Oelschlegel A. 2020. Functional Neuroimaging in Rodents Using Cerebral Blood Flow SPECT. Frontiers in Physics. 8:Article 152.

    Hanke M, Mathôt S, Ort E, Peitek N, Stadler J, Wagner A. 2020. A Practical Guide to Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging with Simultaneous Eye Tracking for Cognitive Neuroimaging Research. Pollmann S, editor. In Neuromethods: Spatial Learning and Attention Guidance. Humana Press. pp. 291-305. (Neuromethods).

    Heimrath K, Brechmann A, Blobel-Lüer R, Stadler J, Budinger E, Zaehle, T. 2020. Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) over the auditorymcortex modulates GABA and glutamate: a 7 T MR-spectroscopy study.
    Scientific Reports, 10 (1), art. no. 20111.

    Lommerzheim M, Prezenski S, Russwinkel N, Brechmann A. 2020. Category learning as a use case for anticipating individual human decision making by intelligent systems. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 1131 AISC, pp. 159-164.

    Oleksiievets N, Thiele JC, Weber A, Gregor I, Nevskyi O, Isbaner S, Tsukanov R, Enderlein J. 2020. Wide-Field Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging of Single Molecules. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 124(17):3494-3500.

    Medunjanin S, Putzier M, Nöthen T, Weinert S, Kähne T, Luani B, Zuschratter W, Braun-Dullaeus RC. 2020. DNA-PK: gatekeeper for IKKγ/NEMO nucleocytoplasmic shuttling in genotoxic stress-induced NF-kappaB activation. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences.

    Park JY, Polzehl J, Chatterjee S, Brechmann A, Fiecas M. 2020. Semiparametric modeling of time-varying activation and connectivity in task-based fMRI data. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 150, art. no. 107006

    Peitek N, Siegmund J, Apel S, Kastner C, Parnin C, Bethmann A, Leich T, Saake G, Brechmann A. 2020. A Look into Programmers Heads. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. 46(4):442-462.

    Siegmund J, Peitek N, Brechmann A, Parnin C, Apel S. 2020. Studying Programming in the Neuroage: Just a Crazy Idea?. Communications of the ACM. 63(6):30-34.

    Sikka A, Jamalabadi H, Krylova M, Alizadeh S, van der Meer JN, Danyeli L, Deliano M, Vicheva P, Hahn T, Koenig T, Bathula DR, Walter M. 2020. Investigating the temporal dynamics of electroencephalogram (EEG) microstates using recurrent neural networks. Human Brain Mapping. 41(9):2334-2346.

    Vemula SK, Malci A, Junge L, Lehmann AC, Rama R, Hradsky J, Matute RA, Weber A, Prigge M, Naumann M, Kreutz MR, Seidenbecher CI, Gundelfinger ED, Herrera-Molina R. 2020. The Interaction of TRAF6 With Neuroplastin Promotes Spinogenesis During Early Neuronal Development. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. 8:Article 579513.

    Weber A, Zuschratter W, Hauser MJB. 2020. Partial synchronisation of glycolytic oscillations in yeast cell populations. Scientific Reports. 10(1):Article 19714.

    Weidner TC, Vincenz D, Brocka M, Tegtmeier J, Oelschlegel AM, Ohl FW, Goldschmidt J, Lippert MT. 2020. Matching stimulation paradigms resolve apparent differences between optogenetic and electrical VTA stimulation. Brain Stimulation. 13(2):363-371.

    Wolff S, Kohrs C, Angenstein N, Brechmann A. 2020. Dorsal posterior cingulate cortex encodes the informational value of feedback in human-computer interaction. Scientific Reports. 10(1):Article 13030.

    Zempeltzi MM, Kisse M, Brunk MGK, Glemser C, Aksit S, Deane KE, Maurya S, Schneider L, Ohl FW, Deliano M, Happel MFK. 2020. Task rule and choice are reflected by layer-specific processing in rodent auditory cortical microcircuits. Communications biology. 3(1):Article 345.



    Angenstein F. 2019. The role of ongoing neuronal activity for baseline and stimulus-induced BOLD signals in the rat hippocampus. NeuroImage. 202:Article 116082.

    Bauer J, Siegmund J, Peitek N, Hofmeister J, Apel S. 2019. Indentation: Simply a Matter of Style or Support for Program Comprehension?. In Proceedings - 2019 IEEE/ACM 27th International Conference on Program Comprehension, ICPC 2019. IEEE. pp. 154-164. (IEEE International Conference on Program Comprehension).

    Bovet-Carmona M, Krautwald K, Menigoz A, Vennekens R, Balschun D, Angenstein F. 2019. Low frequency pulse stimulation of Schaffer collaterals in Trpm4−/− knockout rats differently affects baseline BOLD signals in target regions of the right hippocampus but not BOLD responses at the site of stimulation. NeuroImage. 188:347-356.

    Brechmann A, Angenstein N. 2019. The impact of task difficulty on the lateralization of processing in the human auditory cortex. Human Brain Mapping. 40(18):5341-5353.

    Brunk MGK, Deane KE, Kisse M, Deliano M, Vieweg S, Ohl FW, Lippert MT, Happel MFK. 2019. Optogenetic stimulation of the VTA modulates a frequency-specific gain of thalamocortical inputs in infragranular layers of the auditory cortex. Scientific Reports. 9(1):Article 20385.

    Döring M, Blees H, Koller N, Tischer-Zimmermann S, Müsken M, Henrich F, Becker J, Grabski E, Wang J, Janssen H, Zuschratter W, Neefjes J, Klawonn F, Eiz-Vesper B, Tampé R, Kalinke U. 2019. Modulation of TAP-dependent antigen compartmentalization during human monocyte-to-DC differentiation. Blood advances. 3(6):839-850.

    Leschik J, Eckenstaler R, Endres T, Munsch T, Edelmann E, Richter K, Kobler O, Fischer K-D, Zuschratter W, Brigadski T, Lutz B, Lessmann V. 2019. Prominent Postsynaptic and Dendritic Exocytosis of Endogenous BDNF Vesicles in BDNF-GFP Knock-in Mice. Molecular Neurobiology. 56(10):6833-6855.

    Macharadze T, Budinger E, Brosch M, Scheich H, Ohl FW, Henschke JU. 2019. Early Sensory Loss Alters the Dendritic Branching and Spine Density of Supragranular Pyramidal Neurons in Rodent Primary Sensory Cortices. Frontiers in neural circuits. 13:Article 61.

    Mattern H, Sciarra A, Lüsebrink F, Acosta-Cabronero J, Speck O. 2019. Prospective motion correction improves high-resolution quantitative susceptibility mapping at 7T. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 81(3):1605-1619.

    Meka DP, Scharrenberg R, Zhao B, Kobler O, König T, Schaefer I, Schwanke B, Klykov S, Richter M, Eggert D, Windhorst S, Dotti CG, Kreutz MR, Mikhaylova M, Calderon de Anda F. 2019. Radial somatic F-actin organization affects growth cone dynamics during early neuronal development. EMBO Reports. 20(12):Article e47743.

    Peitek N, Apel S, Brechmann A, Parnin C, Siegmund J. 2019. CodersMUSE: Multi-Modal Data Exploration of Program-Comprehension Experiments. In Proceedings - 2019 IEEE/ACM 27th International Conference on Program Comprehension, ICPC 2019. IEEE. pp. 126-129.

    Saldeitis K, Richter K, Fischer K-D, Ohl FW, Mateos JM, Budinger E. 2019. Ultrastructure of giant thalamic terminals in the auditory cortex. European Journal of Neuroscience. 50(9):3445-3453.

    Schicknick H, Henschke JU, Budinger E, Ohl FW, Gundelfinger ED, Tischmeyer W. 2019. β-adrenergic modulation of discrimination learning and memory in the auditory cortex. European Journal of Neuroscience. 50(7):3141-3163.

    van Bommel B, Konietzny A, Kobler O, Bär J, Mikhaylova M. 2019. F-actin patches associated with glutamatergic synapses control positioning of dendritic lysosomes. EMBO Journal. 38(15):e101183.

    Wagner M, Mahlmann A, Deindl E, Zuschratter W, Riek-Burchardt M, Kostin S, Luani B, Baer C, Youssef A, Herold J. 2019. Clinical improvement and enhanced collateral vessel growth after xenogenic monocyte transplantation. American journal of translational research. 11(7):4063-4076.

    Wendemuth A, Boeck R, Nuernberger A, Al-Hamadi A, Brechmann A, Ohl FW. 2019. Intention-Based Anticipatory Interactive Systems. In Proceedings - 2018 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, SMC 2018. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. pp. 2583-2588. (IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics).

    Zempeltzi M-M, Kisse M, Brunk MGK, Glemser C, Aksit S, Deane KE, Maurya S, Schneider L, Ohl F, Deliano M, Happel M. 2019. Task rule and choice are reflected by layer-specific processing in rodent auditory cortical microcircuits. bioRxiv.



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    Hartig R, Prokazov Y, Turbin E, Zuschratter W. 2014. Wide-Field fluorescence lifetime imaging with multi-anode detectors. in Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Microscopy: Methods and Protocols. Humana Press Inc. S. 457-480. (Methods in Molecular Biology).

    Hunger M, Budinger E, Zhong K, Angenstein F. 2014. Visualization of acute focal lesions in rats with experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis by magnetic nanoparticles, comparing different MRI sequences including phase imaging. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 39(5):1126-1135.

    Kanowski M, Voges J, Buentjen L, Stadler J, Heinze HJ, Tempelmann C. 2014. Direct visualization of anatomic subfields within the superior aspect of the human lateral thalamus by MRI at 7T. American Journal of Neuroradiology. 35(9):1721-1727.

    Kaule FR, Wolynski B, Gottlob I, Stadler J, Speck O, Kanowski M, Meltendorf S, Behrens-Baumann W, Hoffmann MB. 2014. Impact of chiasma opticum malformations on the organization of the human ventral visual cortex. Human Brain Mapping. 35(10):5093-5105.

    Koch N, Kobler O, Thomas U, Qualmann B, Kessels MM. 2014. Terminal axonal arborization and synaptic bouton formation critically rely on Abp1 and the Arp2/3 complex. PLoS ONE. 9(5):Article e97692.

    Kohrs C, Hrabal D, Angenstein N, Brechmann A. 2014. Delayed system response times affect immediate physiology and the dynamics of subsequent button press behavior. Psychophysiology. 51(11):1178-1184.

    Kolodziej A, Lippert M, Angenstein F, Neubert J, Pethe A, Grosser OS, Amthauer H, Schroeder UH, Reymann KG, Scheich H, Ohl FW, Goldschmidt J. 2014. SPECT-imaging of activity-dependent changes in regional cerebral blood flow induced by electrical and optogenetic self-stimulation in mice. NeuroImage. 103:171-180.

    Lison H, Happel MFK, Schneider F, Baldauf K, Kerbstat S, Seelbinder B, Schneeberg J, Zappe M, Goldschmidt J, Budinger E, Schröder UH, Ohl FW, Schilling S, Demuth HU, Scheich H, Reymann KG, Rönicke R. 2014. Disrupted cross-laminar cortical processing in β amyloid pathology precedes cell death. Neurobiology of Disease. 63:62-73.

    Mikhaylova M, Karpova A, Bär J, Bethge P, YuanXiang P, Chen Y, Zuschratter W, Behnisch T, Kreutz MR. 2014. Cellular distribution of the NMDA-receptor activated synapto-nuclear messenger Jacob in the rat brain. Brain Structure and Function. 219(3):843-860.

    Prokazov Y, Turbin E, Weber A, Hartig R, Zuschratter W. 2014. Position sensitive detector for fluorescence lifetime imaging. Journal of Instrumentation. 9(12):Article C12015.

    Rauschenberg J, Nagel AM, Ladd SC, Theysohn JM, Ladd ME, Möller HE, Trampel R, Turner R, Pohmann R, Scheffler K, Brechmann A, Stadler J, Felder J, Shah NJ, Semmler W. 2014. Multicenter study of subjective acceptance during magnetic resonance imaging at 7 and 9.4 T. Investigative Radiology. 49(5):249-259.

    Rehberg K, Kliche S, Madencioglu DA, Thiere M, Müller B, Manuel Meineke B, Freund C, Budinger E, Stork O. 2014. The serine/threonine kinase Ndr2 controls integrin trafficking and integrin-dependent neurite growth. Journal of Neuroscience. 34(15):5342-5354.

    Saldeitis K, Happel MFK, Ohl FW, Scheich H, Budinger E. 2014. Anatomy of the auditory thalamocortical system in the mongolian gerbil: Nuclear origins and cortical field-, layer-, and frequency-specificities. Journal of Comparative Neurology. 522(10):2397-2430.

    Seidensticker M, Ulrich G, Muehlberg FL, Pethe A, Grosser OS, Steffen IG, Stiebler M, Goldschmidt J, Smalla KH, Seidensticker R, Ricke J, Amthauer H, Mohnike K. 2014. Tumor cell uptake of 99mTc-Labeled 1-Thio-β-d-glucose and 5-thio-d-glucose in comparison with 2-deoxy-2-[18 f]fluoro-d-glucose in vitro: Kinetics, dependencies, blockage and cell compartment of accumulation. Molecular Imaging and Biology. 16(2):189-198.

    Siegmund J, Kästner C, Apel S, Parnin C, Bethmann A, Leich T, Saake G, Brechmann A. 2014. Understanding understanding source code with functional magnetic resonance imaging. in ICSE 2014 Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Software Engineering . 1 Aufl. ACM. S. 378-389.

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    Stirnweiss A, Hartig R, Gieseler S, Lindquist JA, Reichardt P, Philipsen L, Simeoni L, Poltorak M, Merten C, Zuschratter W, Prokazov Y, Paster W, Stockinger H, Harder T, Gunzer M, Schraven B. 2013. T cell activation results in conformational changes in the Src family kinase Lck to induce its activation. Science Signaling. 6(263):Article ra13.

    Szycik GR, Stadler J, Brechmann A, Münte TF. 2013. Preattentive mechanisms of change detection in early auditory cortex: A 7Tesla fMRI study. Neuroscience. 253:100-109.

    Tacikowski P, Brechmann A, Nowicka A. 2013. Cross-modal pattern of brain activations associated with the processing of self- and significant other's name. Human Brain Mapping. 34(9):2069-2077.

    Traue HC, Ohl F, Brechmann A, Schwenker F, Kessler H, Limbrecht K, Hoffmann H, Scherer S, Kotzyba M, Scheck A, Walter S. 2013. A Framework for Emotions and Dispositions in Man-Companion Interaction. In Coverbal Synchrony in Human-Machine Interaction. CRC Press. pp. 99-140.

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    Apostolova I, Wunder A, Dirnagl U, Michel R, Stemmer N, Lukas M, Derlin T, Gregor-Mamoudou B, Goldschmidt J, Brenner W, Buchert R. 2012. Brain perfusion SPECT in the mouse: Normal pattern according to gender and age. NeuroImage. 63(4):1807-1817.

    Bethmann A, Scheich H, Brechmann A. 2012. The Temporal Lobes Differentiate between the Voices of Famous and Unknown People: An Event-Related fMRI Study on Speaker Recognition. PLoS ONE. 7(10):e47626.

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    Haroon F, Händel U, Angenstein F, Goldschmidt J, Kreutzmann P, Lison H, Fischer KD, Scheich H, Wetzel W, Schlüter D, Budinger E. 2012. Toxoplasma gondii actively inhibits neuronal function in chronically infected mice. PLoS ONE. 7(4):e35516.

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    Kohrs C, Angenstein N, Scheich H, Brechmann A. 2012. Human striatum is differentially activated by delayed, omitted, and immediate registering feedback. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 6(AUGUST).

    Krautwald K, Angenstein F. 2012. Low frequency stimulation of the perforant pathway generates anesthesia-specific variations in neural activity and BOLD responses in the rat dentate gyrus. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism. 32(2):291-305.

    Lovell J, Brosch M, Budinger E, Goldschmidt J, Scheich H, Tschorn S, Wendt B, Zuschratter W. 2012. Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscope Examination of Cochlea Hair and Pillar Cells from the Ear of the Mongolian Gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus). Anatomy and Physiology. 2(3).

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    Szycik GR, Stadler J, Tempelmann C, Münte TF. 2012. Examining the McGurk illusion using high-field 7 tesla functional MRI. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 6(APRIL 2012).

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    Wanger T, Scheich H, Ohl FW, Goldschmidt J. 2012. The use of thallium diethyldithiocarbamate for mapping CNS potassium metabolism and neuronal activity: Tl +-redistribution, Tl +-kinetics and Tl +-equilibrium distribution. Journal of Neurochemistry. 122(1):106-114.

    Weber A, Prokazov Y, Zuschratter W, Hauser MJB. 2012. Desynchronisation of Glycolytic Oscillations in Yeast Cell Populations. PLoS ONE. 7(9):e43276.

    Weis T, Puschmann S, Brechmann A, Thiel CM. 2012. Effects of L-dopa during Auditory Instrumental Learning in Humans. PLoS ONE. 7(12):e52504.

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    Börzsönyi T, Unger T, Szabó B, Wegner S, Angenstein F, Stannarius R. 2011. Reflection and exclusion of shear zones in inhomogeneous granular materials. Soft Matter. 7(18):8330-8336.

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    Scheich H, Brechmann A, Brosch M, Budinger E, Ohl FW, Selezneva E, Stark H, Tischmeyer W, Wetzel W. 2011. Behavioral semantics of learning and crossmodal processing in auditory cortex: The semantic processor concept. Hearing Research. 271(1-2):3-15.

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    Vitali M, Picazo F, Prokazov Y, Duci A, Turbin E, Götze C, Llopis J, Hartig R, Visser AJWG, Zuschratter W. 2011. Wide-Field multi-parameter FLIM: Long-term minimal invasive observation of proteins in living cells. PLoS ONE. 6(2):e15820.



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    Metzger CD, Eckert U, Steiner J, Sartorius A, Buchmann JE, Stadler J, Tempelmann C, Speck O, Bogerts B, Abler B, Walter M. 2010. High field fMRI reveals thalamocortical integration of segregated cognitive and emotional processing in mediodorsal and intralaminar thalamic nuclei. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy. 4(NOV).

    Noesselt T, Tyll S, Boehler CN, Budinger E, Heinze HJ, Driver J. 2010. Sound-induced enhancement of low-intensity vision: Multisensory influences on human sensory-specific cortices and thalamic bodies relate to perceptual enhancement of visual detection sensitivity. Journal of Neuroscience. 30(41):13609-13623.

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  • Third Party Funds

    Third Party Funds


    NFDI4BIOIMAGE - National Research Data Infrastructure for Microscopy and Bioimage Analysis. Task Area 3: Multimodal data linking and integration. (Stöter, Zuschratter)


    Leibniz Cooperative Excellence: "Learning Resilience: Supporting neuronal network state transitions to foster stress resilience" WP 3 Brain-wide network state transitions associated with cognitive flexibility in the framework of stress resilience. (Budinger, Goldschmidt)


    DFG CRC 1436 "Neural Resources of Cognition", Project B06 “Mobilisation of neural resources for temporal attention” (Budinger, Noesselt, Pakan)


    DFG “Lateralization and hemispheric interaction during auditory processing in children with ADHD” (Angenstein)

    BMBF "Joint project: Time Resolved Raman and Metabolic Imaging Spectroscopy Unit (TIRAMISU) - Sub project: Exploration and evaluation of a high-resolution hybrid camera system for Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging in combination with Fluorescence and Raman Spectroscopy" (Zuschratter)


    CBBS NeuroNetwork “Non-invasive Deep Brain Stimulation for Motor Disorders (NeeMo)” (Budinger, Ruhnau, Carius)


    DFG “Linking program comprehension to neural, behavioral, and psycho-physiological correlates” (Brechmann, Siegmund)


    DFG “Multimodal recognition of affect over the course of a tutorial learning experiment” (Brechmann, Schwenker)


    DFG CRC 854 “Molecular organisation of cellular communication within the immune system”, TP Z01 “Multimodal Imaging Platform” (Zuschratter, Dudeck, Müller)


    EU EFRE “Intentional Antizipatory Interaktive Systems” TP2 “Neural mechnisms of information processing in dialogs” (Brechmann)


    EU Horizon 2020: Corbel shared services for life-science: “Functional 3D analysis of immune synapse contacts”, PID 2376 (Zuschratter)


    BMWi Exist Transfer of Research: Photonscore – ultra-sensitive and ultra-fast research camera, FKZ Exist 03EFGST025 (Prokazov, Turbin, Zuschratter)

    BMWi Exist funding phase I: 2016 -2017: BMWi Exist funding phase II:2018-2020


    EU ESF “ABINEP - Analysis, Imaging, and Modelling of Neuronal and Inflammatory Processes”, Module 1: Neuroinflammation: Inflammatory processes in neurodegeneration; Project 2: Development of new techniques for visualization of neuroinflammatory processes during infections and autoimmunity diseases of the brain (Budinger, Goldschmidt, Gopola, Schlüter)


    DFG “Understanding Program Comprehension in the Neuro-Imaging Age” (Brechmann, Siegmund)

    DFG CRC 779, Project B13 “Emotional aspects of event learning in rats: Characterization and neural basis” (Fendt, Goldschmidt)


    DFG “Combinatorial NeuroImaging Core Facility” (Brechmann, Zuschratter)


    DFG “Hemispheric interaction during lateralized auditory processing in humans: effects of task difficulty, training and age” (Angenstein)


    European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and State of Saxony Anhalt “Settlement of a 9.4 T small animal magnetic resonance tomograph”


    BMBF-Network “EmoAdapt” TP “Disposition-adaptive user support based on neural activity and psychophysiology” (Brechmann)


    DFG CRC-TRR 62 “Companion Technology”, TP B2 “Neural mechanisms of information processing in dialogs” (Brechmann, Scheich)


    DFG CRC-TRR 31 “The Active Auditory System”, TP A4 “Predictive mechanisms in active stream segregation and related tasks” (Brechmann, Brosch, Scheich)


    BMBF Consortium project: Minimal-invasive, multi-parameter wide-field microscopy, Sub-project: Exploration and Evaluating of multi-anode camera system, FKZ: 13N12675 (Zuschratter)

    BMBF VIP project “201TlDDC-SPECT for early diagnosis of dementia diseases” (Goldschmidt, Reymann)


    BMBF Research campus STIMULATE “Detection of Photons”, FKZ 03FO16101C (Zuschratter, Prokazov, Turbin)


    EFRE “Procurement of a 3 Tesla magnetic resonance imaging system”


    BMBF “Magdeburger Institut für Demenzforschung (MID)”, Project “Category training in elderly normal and cognitively impaired subjects” (Scheich, Brechmann)

    DFG CRC-TRR 31 “The Active Auditory System”, TP A13 “Functional anatomy of interhemispheric and thalamic interactions of the auditory cortex” (Budinger)


    BMBF Consortium project: Quantum, Sub-project: Exploration and evaluation of an ultra-sensitive, time-resolving camera system, FKZ: 13N10077 (Zuschratter)

    DFG CRC-TRR 31 “The Active Auditory System”, TP A12 “Dopaminergic modulation of learning-dependent plasticity in the audiotry cortex” (Thiel, Brechmann)


    DAAD exchange programme: “Identification of vesicular glutamate transporter 3-positive synapses in the lateral septum of the rat” (Miettien, Riedel, Budinger)


    LSA, EU “Neurobiologically inspired, multimodal intention recognition for technical systems”, Project “Mechanisms of prosody processing in dialogs” (Scheich, Brechmann)


    BMBF-Network “How does the brain distinguish between prosody and song”, Project “Auditory processing of prosody and song” (Scheich, Brechmann)

  • Transfer

    LINCam: Development of an ultra-sensitive, time-resolving research camera for functional imaging (Yury Prokazov, Evgeny Turbin, André Weber, Werner Zuschratter)

    In addition to spatial and temporal resolution, the sensitivity of detection poses the greatest challenge in the microscopic examination of living cells and tissues. Taken into account that all existing microscope systems put living samples enormously under stress, we have developed a minimally invasive imaging system for the visualization of biosensors in native cells and tissues. The technical realization resulted in a patented and award-winning ultra-sensitive, time-resolved wide-field quantum detector with a wide range of applications. It has been used successfully in several research projects for FLIM and FRET measurements of biosensors (Stirnweiss et al. 2013; Philipson et al. 2017), but also for determination of pH and Ca2+ sensors, label-free metabolic imaging (Weber et al., 2017), single molecule detection (Oleksiievets et al., 2020), quantum optics and Raman spectroscopy (Konugolu et al., 2018). Since the camera system displayed a major market potential, the spin-off “Photonscore GmbH” was founded in 2017 that successfully markets the technology since then under the name “LINCam”.

    Figure: camera modules of LINCam25 and LINCam40
    Figure: LINCam25 mounted on a Leica Lightsheet microscope


    • BMBF TCAM4Life (FKZ: 13N12675)
    • BMWi EXIST (FKZ: 03EFGST025)
  • Teaching


    Teaching & Internships

    We supervise internships as well as bachelor, master, and doctoral theses. If you are interested, please contact us!

    We regularly give lectures and seminars for students of the Master Program "Integrative Neuroscience", the Master Program Psychology, the Bachelor Program Philosophy, Neurowissenschaften, Kognition, and the Bachelor Program Computer Science

    In addition, we conduct workshops on image analysis and, in cooperation with the Neuroscientific Society (NWG), hold annual courses on the functional organization of synapses.

    Specific courses:

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