Functional Neuroanatomy & Small-Animal-MRI
One of the main questions in neuroscience is the relationship between the structure and function of the brain.
The project group "Functional anatomy and small-animal-MRI" approaches this issue using state-of-the-art anatomical (immunohistochemistry, neuronal tract tracing, brain clearing) methods and related microscopical techniques (brightfield, epifluorescence, confocal, electron, lightsheet microscopy) but most importantly non-invasive brain imaging (9.4 Tesla small-animal magnetic resonance tomography).
We combine the anatomical and imaging methods with various behavioral approaches and stimulation paradigms (sensory, electrical, optogenetic) in various animal models (mouse, rat, gerbil, transgenic, disease models) in order to gain deep insights into the function of the brain under various conditions (healthy/diseased, young/old, trained/naive etc.).
- Head
Eike Budinger studied biology at the Humboldt-University Berlin with a focus on zoology, behavioral biology and microbiology. Subsequently he earned his doctorate at the Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology (LIN) Magdeburg in the department "Acoustics, Learning and Speech" under Prof. Dr. Henning Scheich. The topic of his dissertation was entitled "The functional organization of the auditory cortex of the Mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus). Anatomical areas, corticocortical connections and connections with anatomically characterized subcortical structures".
Eike Budinger was then research associate with various positions at LIN in the departments "Acoustics, Learning and Speech" and "Systems Physiology of Learning" as well as at the Medical Faculty of the Otto-von-Guericke-University (OvGU) Magdeburg. Since 2005 he heads the project group "Functional Neuroanatomy" and since 2017 the 9.4 Tesla “Small Animal MRI Lab” at the LIN.
In 2015, Eike Budinger habilitated at the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the OvGU with the thesis "Anatomy of the neuronal connections of the auditory cortex for the processing of multisensory information and for memory formation". In 2021, he became extracurricular professor at the OvGU.
- Members
Head Prof. Dr. Eike Budinger +49-391-6263-95421 PhD students Fahmida Akter +49-391-6263-95431 Lisa-Marie Goncalves +49-391-6263-93471 Annika Michalek +49-391-6263-92171 Technical staff members Anja Gürke +49-391-6263-95461 Janet Stallmann +49-391-6263-95461 Application specialist Patricia Wenk +49-391-6263-95431 Guests Rituparna Bhattacharjee (ABINEP) +49-391-6263-93471 - Projects
Current projects:
- Functional organization of the auditory pathway
- Hemispheric crosstalk during auditory learning
- Investigation of neuroinflammatory processes
- Phenotyping of transgenic mouse models
- Brain atlases
- Transcranial direct current stimulation (TDCS) for deep brain stimulation
- Neurotranmitter balance in the brain (magnetic resonance spectroscopy)
- Brain-wide network states transitions associated with learning and stress resilience
- Influence of physical activity on brain structure and function
- Investigation of multisensory integration processes for the mobilisation of neural resources
- Current Third Party Funds
Current Third Party Funds
Leibniz Cooperative Excellence: Learning Resilience: Supporting neuronal network state transitions to foster stress resilience
Project 3 „Brain-wide network state transitions associated with cognitive flexibility in the framework of stress resilience“
DFG CRC 1436 - Neural Resources of Cognition:
Project B06 “Mobilisation of neural resources for temporal attention” (Budinger, Noesselt, Pakan)
CBBS NeuroNetwork
Non-Invasive Deep Brain Stimulation for Motor Disorders (NeeMo)
LIN Special Project
Crosstalk between hemispheres during auditory learning: disturbance and compensation
European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and State of Saxony Anhalt:
Settlement of a 9.4 T small animal magnetic resonance tomograph
ABINEP - Analysis, Imaging, and Modelling of Neuronal and Inflammatory Processes:
Module 1: Neuroinflammation: Inflammatory processes in neurodegeneration; Project 2: Development of new techniques for visualization of neuroinflammatory processes during infections and autoimmunity diseases of the brain - Publications
El-Tabbal M, Niekisch H, Henschke JU, Budinger E, Frischknecht R, Deliano M, Happel MFK. The extracellular matrix regulates cortical layer dynamics and cross-columnar frequency integration in the auditory cortex. Communications Biology 4(1):322. doi: 10.1038/s42003-021-01837-4.
Saldeitis K, Jeschke M, Budinger E, Ohl FW, Happel MFK. Laser-induced apoptosis of corticothalamic neurons in layer VI of auditory cortex impact on cortical frequency processing Frontiers in Neural Circuits. doi: 10.3389/fncir.2021.659280
Heimrath K, Brechmann A, Blobel-Lüer R, Stadler J, Budinger E, Zaehle T. Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) over the auditory cortex modulates GABA and glutamate: a 7 T MR-spectroscopy study. Scientific Reports 10(1):20111. 10.1038/s41598-020-77111-0
Macharadze T, Budinger E, Brosch M, Scheich H, Ohl FW, Henschke JU. 2019. Early sensory loss alters the dendritic branching and spine density of supragranular pyramidal neurons in rodent primary sensory cortices. Frontiers in Neural Circuits 13:61.
Schicknick H, Henschke JU, Budinger E, Ohl FW, Gundelfinger ED, Tischmeyer W. 2019. β-adrenergic modulation of discrimination learning and memory in the auditory cortex. European Journal of Neuroscience 50(7):3141-3163.
Saldeitis K, Richter K, Fischer KD, Ohl FW, Mateos JM, Budinger E. 2019. Ultrastructure of giant thalamic terminals in the auditory cortex. European Journal of Neuroscience 50(9):3445-3453.
Budinger E, Kanold P. 2018. Auditory cortical circuits. Oliver DL, Cant N, Fay RR, Popper AN, Hrsg. in The Mammalian Auditory Pathways: Synaptic Organization and Microcircuits. New York: Springer. S. 199 - 233. (Springer Handbook of Auditory Research).
Henschke JU, Ohl FW, Budinger E. 2018. Crossmodal connections of primary sensory cortices largely vanish during normal aging. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience. 10(MAR).
Henschke JU, Oelschlegel AM, Angenstein F, Ohl FW, Goldschmidt J, Kanold PO, Budinger E. 2018. Early sensory experience influences the development of multisensory thalamocortical and intracortical connections of primary sensory cortices. Brain Structure and Function. 223(3):1165-1190.
Annamneedi A, Caliskan G, Müller S, Montag D, Budinger E, Angenstein F, Fejtova A, Tischmeyer W, Gundelfinger ED, Stork O. 2018. Ablation of the presynaptic organizer Bassoon in excitatory neurons retards dentate gyrus maturation and enhances learning performance. Brain Structure and Function. 223(7):3423-3445.
Selezneva E, Gorkin A, Budinger E, Brosch M. 2018. Neuronal correlates of auditory streaming in the auditory cortex of behaving monkeys. European Journal of Neuroscience. 48(10):3234-3245.
Lützkendorf R, Heidemann RM, Feiweier T, Luchtmann M, Baecke S, Kaufmann J, Stadler J, Budinger E, Bernarding J. 2018. Mapping fine-scale anatomy of gray matter, white matter, and trigeminal-root region applying spherical deconvolution to high-resolution 7-T diffusion MRI. Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine. 31(6):701-713.
Spilker C, Nullmeier S, Grochowska KM, Schumacher A, Butnaru I, Macharadze T, Gomes GM, YuanXiang P, Bayraktar G, Rodenstein C, Geiseler C, Kolodziej A, Lopez-Rojas J, Montag D, Angenstein F, Bär J, D’Hanis W, Roskoden T, Mikhaylova M, Budinger E, Ohl FW, Stork O, Zenclussen AC, Karpova A, Schwegler H, Kreutz MR. 2016. A Jacob/Nsmf Gene Knockout Results in Hippocampal Dysplasia and Impaired BDNF Signaling in Dendritogenesis. PLoS Genetics. 12(3).
Radtke-Schuller S, Schuller G, Angenstein F, Grosser OS, Goldschmidt J, Budinger E. 2016. Brain atlas of the Mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus) in CT/MRI-aided stereotaxic coordinates. Brain Structure and Function. 221 Suppl 1(Suppl. 1):1-272.
Henschke JU, Noesselt T, Scheich H, Budinger E. 2015. Possible anatomical pathways for short-latency multisensory integration processes in primary sensory cortices. Brain Structure and Function. 220(2):955-977.
Budinger E, Brechmann A, Brosch M, Heil P, König R, Ohl FW, Scheich H. 2015. Auditory cortex 2014 - towards a synthesis of human and animal research. European Journal of Neuroscience. 41(5):515-517.
Budinger E 2014. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Auditory Cortex – Towards a Synthesis of Human and Animal Research. Magdeburg, Germany: Docupoint Verlag, Magdeburg, Germany.
Lison H, Happel MFK, Schneider F, Baldauf K, Kerbstat S, Seelbinder B, Schneeberg J, Zappe M, Goldschmidt J, Budinger E, Schröder UH, Ohl FW, Schilling S, Demuth HU, Scheich H, Reymann KG, Rönicke R. 2014. Disrupted cross-laminar cortical processing in β amyloid pathology precedes cell death. Neurobiology of Disease. 63:62-73.
Rehberg K, Kliche S, Madencioglu DA, Thiere M, Müller B, Manuel Meineke B, Freund C, Budinger E, Stork O. 2014. The serine/threonine kinase Ndr2 controls integrin trafficking and integrin-dependent neurite growth. Journal of Neuroscience. 34(15):5342-5354.
Hunger M, Budinger E, Zhong K, Angenstein F. 2014. Visualization of acute focal lesions in rats with experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis by magnetic nanoparticles, comparing different MRI sequences including phase imaging. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 39(5):1126-1135.
Saldeitis K, Happel MFK, Ohl FW, Scheich H, Budinger E. 2014. Anatomy of the auditory thalamocortical system in the mongolian gerbil: Nuclear origins and cortical field-, layer-, and frequency-specificities. Journal of Comparative Neurology. 522(10):2397-2430.
Riedel A, Stöber F, Richter K, Fischer KD, Miettinen R, Budinger E. 2013. VGLUT3-immunoreactive afferents of the lateral septum: Ultrastructural evidence for a modulatory role of glutamate. Brain Structure and Function. 218(1):295-301.
Bonath B, Tyll S, Budinger E, Krauel K, Hopf JM, Noesselt T. 2013. Task-demands and audio-visual stimulus configurations modulate neural activity in the human thalamus. NeuroImage. 66:110-118.
Mylius J, Brosch M, Scheich H, Budinger E. 2013. Subcortical auditory structures in the mongolian gerbil: I. Golgi architecture. Journal of Comparative Neurology. 521(6):1289-1321.
Budinger E, Brosch M, Scheich H, Mylius J. 2013. The subcortical auditory structures in the Mongolian gerbil: II. Frequency-related topography of the connections with cortical field AI. Journal of Comparative Neurology. 521(12):2772-2797.
Brosch M, Budinger E, Scheich H. 2013. Different Synchronization Rules in Primary and Nonprimary Auditory Cortex of Monkeys. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 25(9):1517-1526.
Budinger E, Heil P. 2012. Anatomy of the auditory cortex. in Listening to Speech: An Auditory Perspective. Taylor & Francis Group. S. 91-113.
Haroon F, Händel U, Angenstein F, Goldschmidt J, Kreutzmann P, Lison H, Fischer KD, Scheich H, Wetzel W, Schlüter D, Budinger E. 2012. Toxoplasma gondii actively inhibits neuronal function in chronically infected mice. PLoS ONE. 7(4):e35516.
Lovell J, Brosch M, Budinger E, Goldschmidt J, Scheich H, Tschorn S, Wendt B, Zuschratter W. 2012. Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscope Examination of Cochlea Hair and Pillar Cells from the Ear of the Mongolian Gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus). Anatomy and Physiology. 2(3).
MacHaradze T, Pielot R, Wanger T, Scheich H, Gundelfinger ED, Budinger E, Goldschmidt J, Kreutz MR. 2012. Altered neuronal activity patterns in the visual cortex of the adult rat after partial optic nerve crush-a single-cell resolution metabolic mapping study. Cerebral Cortex. 22(8):1824-1833.
Brechmann A, Brosch M, Budinger E, Heil P, König R, Ohl F, Scheich H. 2011. Auditory cortex - Current concepts in human and animal research. Hearing Research. 271(1-2):1-2.
Scheich H, Brechmann A, Brosch M, Budinger E, Ohl FW, Selezneva E, Stark H, Tischmeyer W, Wetzel W. 2011. Behavioral semantics of learning and crossmodal processing in auditory cortex: The semantic processor concept. Hearing Research. 271(1-2):3-15.
Tyll S, Budinger E, Noesselt T. 2011. Thalamic influences on multisensory integration. Communicative and Integrative Biology. 4(4):378-381.
Noesselt T, Tyll S, Boehler CN, Budinger E, Heinze HJ, Driver J. 2010. Sound-induced enhancement of low-intensity vision: Multisensory influences on human sensory-specific cortices and thalamic bodies relate to perceptual enhancement of visual detection sensitivity. Journal of Neuroscience. 30(41):13609-13623.
- Teaching
We are involved in the training of students and interns. This includes lectures (e.g. in neuroanatomy) at the OvGU Magdeburg and courses at LIN.
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Volksstimme from September 27, 2018