AMiD: Attention & Memory in Development
Dear speakers and participants,
We are excited to announce the new date for the AMiD Workshop on a virtual platform: September 13 and 14 of 2021. If you have not already done so, please register.
Should you have any questions please contact Dunja Kunke.
Mail: dunja.kunke(at)
Tel: 0391 626 393431
- The AMiD Workshop
The AMiD Workshop
The AMiD Workshop aims to discuss new insights into the development of attention and memory during childhood and adolescence from a neurocognitive perspective. We will present you with talks and discussions by internationally renowned experts in the field (please see below).
The workshop reflects a variety of methods suitable for developmental neurocognitive approaches (e.g. EEG, fMRI, NIRS, Pupillometry).
Young researchers are invited to present their latest research on attention and memory development in a data blitz and poster session with ample opportunity to discuss and talk about the work that is currently being done.
The Neurocognitive Development Team
The Workshop is funded by the DFG (WE5026/1-2).
- Program
Attention in Development - Monday, 13 September 2021
- 14:00 Welcome – Stefan Remy (Director of the LIN) and Nicole Wetzel
- 14.10 Keynote – Charo Rueda (University of Granada) hosted by Nicole Wetzel
Early development of executive attention
- 14.40 Minna J. Huotilainen (University of Helsinki) hosted by Paula Ríos-López
Attention in the classroom - ERPs in a natural environment
- 15.00 Sam Wass (University of East London) hosted by Tjerk Dercksen
Where sensitivity meets emotion regulation: sustained attention associates with increased short-term variability but less long-term variability in naturalistic infant arousal patterns
- 15.20 Break
- 15.30 Keynote - Sebastiaan Mathôt (University of Groningen) hosted by Nicole Wetzel
Pupillometry: Psychology, Physiology, and Function
- 16.00 Data Blitz
Paul Martusz, Marlene Meyer, Carolina Bonmassar, Georgia Gerike, Brittney Chere, Sori Baek, Elena Selezneva
- 16:40 Poster Session / Break / Social Event
- 17.20 Aurélie Bidet-Caulet (INSERM, Lyon Neuroscience Research Center) hosted by Elena Selezneva
Developmental trajectory of voluntary and involuntary attention during childhood: insights from behavioral and EEG measures
- 17:40 Nicole Wetzel (Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology Magdeburg) hosted by Ursula Schöllkopf
Auditory Attention in Childhood
- 18:05 Close
Memory in Development - Tuesday, 14 September 2021- 14.00 Noa Ofen (Wayne State University, Detroit) hosted by Tjerk Dercksen
Development of Memory Systems in the Human Brain
- 14.20 Data Blitz
Tjerk Dercksen, Francesco Poli, Jeremie Ginzburg, Mireia Marimon, Annika Wienke, Maria del Rocío Fernández
- 15.00 Poster session / Break / Social Event
- 15.50 Daniela Czernochowski (Technical University of Kaiserslautern) hosted by Paula Ríos-López
The developmental trajectory of recognition memory encoding and retrieval: Longitudinal behavioral and ERP evidence in children, adolescents and young adults
- 16.10 Kerstin Krauel (Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg) hosted by Ursula SchöllkopfCreating stable memory representations: Challenges in youth with ADHD
- 16.30 Magdalena Sauvage (Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology Magdeburg) hosted by Ranjan Debnath
Contribution of Medial Temporal Lobe (MTL) memory subnetworks for recent to very remote memories
- 16.50 Keynote - Yee Lee Shing (Goethe University Frankfurt) hosted by Nicole Wetzel
Memory Development: Effects of Schooling and Prior Knowledge
- 17:20 Close
- 14:00 Welcome – Stefan Remy (Director of the LIN) and Nicole Wetzel
- Data Blitz and Poster session
Data Blitz and Poster session
- Data Blitz are short talks of about 5 minutes introducing your current research on attention or memory development or on neurocognitive methods.
- Posters can be presented during a separate poster session.
- Data Blitz and Poster presentation can also be combined. Introduce your current data shortly in the Data Blitz Session and discuss results in detail in the following poster session.
- Abstracts have to be written in English (max. 3000 characters) and submitted until August 15 via the registration link.
- Data Blitz are short talks of about 5 minutes introducing your current research on attention or memory development or on neurocognitive methods.
- Contact