
How is the LIN organized? Which structures exist?

The Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology is a Foundation under public law. The purpose of our foundation is to promote science and basic research in the field of neurobiology. The combination of molecular and cell biological neurosciences with system-oriented brain research serves a better understanding of learning and memory. The supervisory authority of the LIN is the Ministry of Science, Energy, Climate Protection and Environment of the State of Saxony-Anhalt.

Our institute comprises 6 scientific departments, 5 research groups and 2 support units as well as the administration and service units. The departments form the scientific backbone of the house. They ensure continuity of LIN research. The research groups are independent of the departments and serve to attract complementary research topics and promising young scientists. Groups may be temporary or permanent in nature and are mainly financed by third party funds. The support units were set up to maintain state-of-the art technology and equipment for LIN research. They provide internal and external service, but also pursue third-party-based own research projects.

According to LIN bylaws, governence bodies are: Management, Board of Directors and Board of Trustees and Scientific Advisory Board form the governence

Management & Board of Directors

The scientific managing director is Prof. Dr. Stefan Remy. Dr. Torben Heinze is managing director.

The Board of Directors is a collegiate body consisting of the heads of the scientific departments and the managing directors of the Institute:    

  • Prof. Dr. Stefan Remy
  • Dr. Torben Heinze 
  • Prof. Dr. Hans-Jochen Heinze     
  • Prof. Dr. Bertram Gerber    
  • Prof. Dr. Frank Ohl     
  • Prof. Dr. Magdalena Sauvage

Central management unit

  • Dr. Wilko Altrock - Lab Management
  • Ulrike Papajewski - Public Relations
  • Dr. Petra Henrich-Noack - Executive Assistent
  • Henriette Rusch - Executive Assistent
  • Dr. Christina Spilker - EU/Research Manager
  • Verena Walterbach - Career Development

Research units

Administration & central services

The administration comprises the following departments:

  • Finance Department, headed by Sarah Könnemann
  • Human Resources, headed by Andrea Exner
  • Purchase Department, headed by Christoph Gottschalk
  • Facility Management, headed by Ingo Zak
  • Research technology, headed by Christian Kirchhoff
  • Animal House, headed by Dr. Sophie Mißbach
  • Library, headed by Dr. Elke Behrends
  • IT service, headed by Sascha Meinel

Staff representatives & Ombudspersons

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