[Translate to English:] © Foto: Ilja C. Hendel / Wissenschaft im Dialog, CC BY-SA 4.0

This year, the LIN is travelling through Germany on the MS Wissenschaft with an exhibit on the question of free will, designed by our colleagues Max-Philipp Stenner and Lars Reintsma.
From 14 May to 15 September, the MS Wissenschaft exhibition ship will be travelling through Germany. From 31 May to 2 June, for example, visitors can immerse themselves in the topic of "freedom" in Genthin, the docking location closest to Mageburg, through the eyes of various scientific disciplines and interactive exhibition elements: From the freedom of our decisions, moral machines, the status quo of scientific freedom and the unusual connection between giraffes and the German constitution.

↗ For more information and all MS Wissenschaft tour stops, visit the MS Wissenschaft website.

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