Gewinner des 3. Platzes beim Hugo-Junkers-Preis 2021

On March 29, the winners of the Hugo Junkers Award were honored. The 3rd place in the category "Most Innovative Methods in Basic Research" went to a team from the OVGU and the LIN for the development of a brain electrode. Such an electrode is needed to measure and control activities in the brain.

The "Magdeburg electrode" is essentially based on the flexible nano-manufacturing and use of brain electrodes. During measurements, the signal is tapped simultaneously at different positions with each electrode. Due to the design and the material used, there is neither bleeding nor damage to the affected area of the brain and thus no inflammatory reactions or scarring in the further course.

The project represents a fundamental change in the field of neuroscience, which in the long term will make it possible to better research and treat brain diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's or epilepsy. For the first time, such a system can remain permanently in the brain, thus enabling signal acquisition over very long periods of time. There is neither loss of data quality nor damage to the patient. The amount of data that can be acquired with one electrode is also unique.


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