Mathias Raschick und Annika Schult im Labor

[Translate to English:] Medizin-Doktoranden Annika Schult und Matthias Raschick

Our M.D. students Annika Schult and Matthias Raschick perform a study to find out why in certain situations some people can remember things better or react faster than others.

They are looking for healthy volunteers between the ages of 50 and 80 without psychiatric, neurological or other severe chronic diseases. Potential subjects should be right-handed and speak German. In addition, there should be no contraindications for MRI investigation, such as pacemakers, joint prostheses or retainers.

To contact the student researchers please send an e-mail to or leave a message on the answering machine at 0391 626 392 291 (please give your name, date of birth, and contact details for a callback).

Experiments will take three hours each on two consecutive days. On the first day, the participants must complete questionnaires on health and MRI suitability as well as carry out small computer-based tests that examine attention, memory, reaction time and ability to concentrate. In addition, a small amount of blood will be taken from the participant.

On the second day an MRI examination, which lasts about 50 minutes, will be conducted to measure activation patterns in the brain during a simple task. This is followed by a few questionnaires and computer-based tests.

The experiment will take place by individual appointment at the Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology at Brenneckestraße 6. The participant receives feedback on his test results. In addition, the participant afterwards receives an individual MRI image of his/her brain. An expense allowance of 56 Euros will be paid.

The project is part of the interdisciplinary research network "Autonomy in old age" and is funded by the EFRE, Europäischer Fond für regionale Entwicklung.

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