LIN Staff

Prof. Dr. Michael Brosch

Head of Research Group

Comparative Neuroscience

Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology
Brenneckestr. 6
39118 Magdeburg
Phone: +49 391 6263 94461
ORCID: 0000-0003-3687-3754

  • Publications


    Huang Y, Brosch M. 2024. Behavior-related visual activations in the auditory cortex of nonhuman primates. Progress in neurobiology. 240:Article 102637.

    Huang Y, Brosch M. 2024. Absence of eye position effects in the early auditory cortex of monkeys. NeuroReport. 35(4):209-215.

    Brosch M, Heil P, all organizers. 2024. Editorial: The 7th international conference on auditory cortex. Hearing Research. 442:Article 108937.

    Brosch M. 2022. Associations and Rewards in the Auditory Cortex. Jaeger D, Jung R, editors. In Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience: Second Edition. Springer New York. pp. 226-229.

    Selezneva E, Brosch M, Rathi S, Vighneshvel T, Wetzel N. 2021. Comparison of Pupil Dilation Responses to Unexpected Sounds in Monkeys and Humans. Frontiers in Psychology. 12:Article 754604.

    Occhigrossi C, Brosch M, Giommetti G, Panichi R, Ricci G, Ferraresi A, Roscini M, Pettorossi VE, Faralli M. 2021. Auditory perception is influenced by the orientation of the trunk relative to a sound source. Experimental Brain Research. 239(4):1223-1234.

    Pepłowski A, Rathi S, Piotrkowski B, Ziółkowski R, Janczak D, Krzemiński J, Brosch M, Jakubowska M. 2020. Electrochemistry of Graphene Nanoplatelets Printed Electrodes for Cortical Direct Current Stimulation. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 14:Article 594235.

    Huang Y, Brosch M. 2020. Associations between sounds and actions in primate prefrontal cortex. Brain Research. 1738:Article 146775.

    Knyazeva S, Selezneva E, Gorkin A, Ohl FW, Brosch M. 2020. Representation of Auditory Task Components and of Their Relationships in Primate Auditory Cortex. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 14:Article 306.

    Aggelopoulos NC, Deike S, Selezneva E, Scheich H, Brechmann A, Brosch M. 2020. Predictive cues for auditory stream formation in humans and monkeys. European Journal of Neuroscience. 51(5):1254-1264.

    Rathi S, Deckert M, Brinkhues S, Detert M, Shukla SM, Brosch M, Schmidt B. 2019. PEDOT:PSS as a transparent electrically conducting polymer for brain stimulation electrodes. In 2019 IEEE 16th India Council International Conference, INDICON 2019 - Symposium Proceedings. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Article 9030320.

    Macharadze T, Budinger E, Brosch M, Scheich H, Ohl FW, Henschke JU. 2019. Early Sensory Loss Alters the Dendritic Branching and Spine Density of Supragranular Pyramidal Neurons in Rodent Primary Sensory Cortices. Frontiers in neural circuits. 13:Article 61.

    Huang Y, Heil P, Brosch M. 2019. Associations between sounds and actions in early auditory cortex of nonhuman primates. eLife. 8:Article e43281.

    Rathi S, Deckert M, Lippert MT, Ohl F, Brosch M, Schmidt B. 2019. Low cost artificial cortex phantom for the early-stage evaluation of microelectrode arrays. In 14. MAGDEBURGER MASCHINENBAUTAGE 2019: - MAGDEBURGER INGENIEURTAGE -.

    Rathi S, Deckert M, Brinkhues S, Brosch M, Schmidt B. 2019. Surface Quality Assessment of Screen-Printed Low-Cost MR Compatible Electrically Conductive Polymer. Weinreich M, Jaberi FAL, editors. In IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology International Student Conference 2019, Magdeburg, Germany : book of proceedings. Otto von Guericke University Library, Magdeburg, Germany. pp. 49.

    Selezneva E, Gorkin A, Budinger E, Brosch M. 2018. Neuronal correlates of auditory streaming in the auditory cortex of behaving monkeys. European Journal of Neuroscience. 48(10):3234-3245.

    Knyazeva S, Selezneva E, Gorkin A, Aggelopoulos NC, Brosch M. 2018. Neuronal correlates of auditory streaming in monkey auditory cortex for tone sequences without spectral differences. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience. 12:Article 4.

    Herrmann T, Liebig T, Mallow J, Bruns C, Stadler J, Mylius J, Brosch M, Svedja JT, Chen Z, Rennings A, et al. 2018. Metamaterial-based transmit and receive system for whole-body magnetic resonance imaging at ultra-high magnetic fields. PLoS ONE. 13(1):Article e0191719.

    Selezneva E, Oshurkova E, Scheich H, Brosch M. 2017. Category-specific neuronal activity in left and right auditory cortex and in medial geniculate body of monkeys. PLoS ONE. 12(10):Article e0186556.

    Huang Y, Matysiak A, Heil P, König R, Brosch M. 2016. Persistent neural activity in auditory cortex is related to auditory working memory in humans and nonhuman primates. eLife. 5(JULY):Article e15441.

    Kaiser J, Brosch M. 2016. Neural correlates of auditory working memory. Brain Research. 1640(Pt B):181-182.

    Huang Y, Brosch M. 2016. Neuronal activity in primate prefrontal cortex related to goal-directed behavior during auditory working memory tasks. Brain Research. 1640(Pt B):314-327.

    Huang Y, Mylius J, Scheich H, Brosch M. 2016. Tonic effects of the dopaminergic ventral midbrain on the auditory cortex of awake macaque monkeys. Brain Structure and Function. 221(2):969-977.

    Mylius J, Happel MFK, Gorkin AG, Huang Y, Scheich H, Brosch M. 2015. Fast transmission from the dopaminergic ventral midbrain to the sensory cortex of awake primates. Brain Structure and Function. 220(6):3273-3294.

    Lovell JM, Mylius J, Scheich H, Brosch M. 2015. Stimulation of the dopaminergic midbrain as a behavioral reward in instrumentally conditioned monkeys. Brain Stimulation. 8(5):868-874.

    Herrmann T, Mallow J, Plaumann M, Luchtmann M, Stadler J, Mylius J, Brosch M, Bernarding J. 2015. The travelling-wave Primate System: A new solution for magnetic resonance imaging of macaque monkeys at 7 tesla ultra-high field. PLoS ONE. 10(6):Article e0129371.

    Brosch M. 2015. Associations and Rewards in the Auditory Cortex. Jaeger D, Jung R, editors. In Encyclopedia of computational Neuroscience. Springer New York. pp. 203-205.

    Budinger E, Brechmann A, Brosch M, Heil P, König R, Ohl FW, Scheich H. 2015. Auditory cortex 2014 - towards a synthesis of human and animal research. European Journal of Neuroscience. 41(5):515-517.

    Brosch M, Selezneva E, Scheich H. 2015. Neuronal activity in primate auditory cortex during the performance of audiovisual tasks. European Journal of Neuroscience. 41(5):603-614.

    Lovell JM, Mylius J, Scheich H, Brosch M. 2014. Hearing in action; auditory properties of neurons in the red nucleus of alert primates. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 8(8 MAY):Article 105.

    Hoefer M, Tyll S, Kanowski M, Brosch M, Schoenfeld MA, Heinze HJ, Noesselt T. 2013. Tactile stimulation and hemispheric asymmetries modulate auditory perception and neural responses in primary auditory cortex. NeuroImage. 79:371-382.

    Selezneva E, Deike S, Knyazeva S, Scheich H, Brechmann A, Brosch M. 2013. Rhythm sensitivity in macaque monkeys. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience. 7(SEP):Article 49.

    Brosch M, Budinger E, Scheich H. 2013. Different Synchronization Rules in Primary and Nonprimary Auditory Cortex of Monkeys. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 25(9):1517-1526.

    Budinger E, Brosch M, Scheich H, Mylius J. 2013. The subcortical auditory structures in the Mongolian gerbil: II. Frequency-related topography of the connections with cortical field AI. Journal of Comparative Neurology. 521(12):2772-2797.

    Mallow J, Herrmann T, Kim KN, Stadler J, Mylius J, Brosch M, Bernarding J. 2013. Ultra-high field MRI for primate imaging using the travelling-wave concept. Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology, and Medicine. 26(4):389-400.

    Mylius J, Brosch M, Scheich H, Budinger E. 2013. Subcortical auditory structures in the mongolian gerbil: I. Golgi architecture. Journal of Comparative Neurology. 521(6):1289-1321.

    Selezneva E, Gorkin A, Mylius J, Noesselt T, Scheich H, Brosch M. 2012. Reaction times reflect subjective auditory perception of tone sequences in macaque monkeys. Hearing Research. 294(1-2):133-142.

    Lovell J, Brosch M, Budinger E, Goldschmidt J, Scheich H, Tschorn S, Wendt B, Zuschratter W. 2012. Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscope Examination of Cochlea Hair and Pillar Cells from the Ear of the Mongolian Gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus). Anatomy and Physiology. 2(3).

    Scheich H, Brosch M. 2012. Task-releated activation of auditory cortex. In: Neural correlates of auditory cognition. In Neural correlates of auditory cognition. New York: Springer. pp. 45-81.

    Brosch M, Selezneva E, Scheich H. 2011. Representation of reward feedback in primate auditory cortex. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience. 5(FEBRUARY 2011):Article 5.

    Brechmann A, Brosch M, Budinger E, Heil P, König R, Ohl F, Scheich H. 2011. Auditory cortex - Current concepts in human and animal research. Hearing Research. 271(1-2):1-2.

    Scheich H, Brechmann A, Brosch M, Budinger E, Ohl FW, Selezneva E, Stark H, Tischmeyer W, Wetzel W. 2011. Behavioral semantics of learning and crossmodal processing in auditory cortex: The semantic processor concept. Hearing Research. 271(1-2):3-15.

    Brosch M, Selezneva E, Scheich H. 2011. Formation of associations in auditory cortex by slow changes of tonic firing. Hearing Research. 271(1-2):66-73.

    Rahne T, Deike S, Selezneva E, Brosch M, König R, Scheich H, Böckmann M, Brechmann A. 2008. A multilevel and cross-modal approach towards neuronal mechanisms of auditory streaming. Brain Research. 1220:118-131.

    Oshurkova E, Scheich H, Brosch M. 2008. Click train encoding in primary and non-primary auditory cortex of anesthetized macaque monkeys. Neuroscience. 153(4):1289-1299.

    Brosch M, Scheich H. 2008. Tone-sequence analysis in the auditory cortex of awake macaque monkeys. Experimental Brain Research. 184(3):349-361.

    Scheich H, Brechmann A, Brosch M, Budinger E, Ohl FW. 2007. The cognitive auditory cortex: Task-specificity of stimulus representations. Hearing Research. 229(1-2):213-224.

    Selezneva E, Scheich H, Brosch M. 2006. Dual Time Scales for Categorical Decision Making in Auditory Cortex. Current Biology. 16(24):2428-2433.

    Brosch M, Oshurkova E, Bucks C, Scheich H. 2006. Influence of tone duration and intertone interval on the discrimination of frequency contours in a macaque monkey. Neuroscience Letters. 406(1-2):97-101.

    Brosch M, Selezneva E, Scheich H. 2005. Nonauditory events of a behavioral procedure activate auditory cortex of highly trained monkeys. Journal of Neuroscience. 25(29):6797-6806.

    Pettorossi VE, Brosch M, Panichi R, Botti F, Grassi S, Troiani D. 2005. Contribution of self-motion perception to acoustic target localization. Acta Oto-Laryngologica. 125(5):524-528.

    Brosch M. 2005. Introduction: Coding of sounds. Heil P, Scheich H, Budinger E, König R, editors. In The Auditory Cortex: A Synthesis of Human and Animal Research. 1st ed. New York: Taylor & Francis Group. pp. 203-206.

    Brosch M, Scheich H. 2005. Non-acoustic influence on neural activity in auditory cortex. In The Auditory Cortex: A Synthesis of Human and Animal Research. Taylor & Francis Group. pp. 127-144.

    Brosch M, Selezneva E, Bucks C, Scheich H. 2004. Macaque monkeys discriminate pitch relationships. Cognition. 91(3):259-272.

    Brosch M, Budinger E, Scheich H. 2002. Stimulus-related gamma oscillations in primate auditory cortex. Journal of Neurophysiology. 87(6):2715-2725.

    Brosch M, Scheich H. 2002. Neural representation of sound patterns in the auditory cortex of monkeys. In Primate Audition: Ethology and Neurobiology. CRC Press. pp. 151-175.

    Brosch M, Schreiner CE. 2000. Sequence sensitivity of neurons in cat primary auditory cortex. Cerebral Cortex. 10(12):1155-1167.

    Brosch M, Schreiner CE. 1999. Correlations between neural discharges are related to receptive field properties in cat primary auditory cortex. European Journal of Neuroscience. 11(10):3517-3530.

    Brosch M, Schulz A, Scheich H. 1999. Processing of sound sequences in macaque auditory cortex: Response enhancement. Journal of Neurophysiology. 82(3):1542-1559.

    Brosch M, Schulz A, Scheich H. 1998. Neuronal mechanisms of auditory backward recognition masking in macaque auditory cortex. NeuroReport. 9(11):2551-2555.

    Brosch M, Schreiner C. 1997. Time course of forward masking tuning curves in cat primary auditory cortex.Journal of Neurophysiology. 77(2):923-943.

    Brosch M, Bauer R, Eckhorn R. 1997. Stimulus-dependent modulations of correlated high-frequency oscillations in cat visual cortex. Cerebral Cortex. 7(1):70-76.

    Schreiner CE, Mendelson J, Raggio MW, Brosch M, Krueger K. 1997. Temporal processing in cat primary auditory cortex. Acta Oto-Laryngologica, Supplement. 532(532):54-60.

    Bauer R, Brosch M, Eckhorn R. 1995. Different rules of spatial summation from beyond the receptive field for spike rates and oscillation amplitudes in cat visual cortex. Brain Research. 669(2):291-297.

    Brosch M, Bauer R, Eckhorn R. 1995. Synchronous High‐frequency Oscillations in Cat Area 18. European Journal of Neuroscience. 7(1):86-95.

    Eckhorn R, Bauer R, Jordan W, Brosch M, Kruse W, Munk M, Reitboeck HJ. 1988. Coherent oscillations: A mechanism of feature linking in the visual cortex? - Multiple electrode and correlation analyses in the cat. Biological Cybernetics. 60(2):121-130.
  • Third party funds

    Third party funds

    2022 - 2025 (DFG)
    Unterstützt persistierende neuronale Aktivität im Hörkortex das auditorische Kurzzeitgedächtnis? Tests mit intrakranieller Gleichstromstimulation

    2020 - 2023 (DFG)
    Auf der Suche nach den neuronalen Grundlagen des Temporal Binding: Wie sind synaptische Depression und neuronale Adaptation im auditorischen Kortex miteinander verknüpft?

    2016 - 2017 (DFG)
    "Neuronale Korrelate des sensorischen Arbeitsgedächtnisses im Hörcortex von Menschen und Affen"

    2013 - 2017 (DFG)
    SFB TRR 31/ A04: Prediktive Mechanismen bei aktiver Stream Segregation und verwandten Aufgaben

    2012 - 2016 (DFG)
    SFB 779/ B02: Motivationsabhängige Konzeptbildungsprozesse im Hörkortex von Makaken

    2012 - 2015 (DFG)
    Neuronal correlates of sensory working memory in the auditory cortex of humans an monkeys

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