LIN Staff
Prof. Dr. Stefan Remy
Managing Director
Cellular Neuroscience
Leibniz Institute for NeurobiologyBrenneckestr. 6
39118 Magdeburg
Phone: +49 391 6263 92421
ORCID: 0000-0002-3386-1662
- Publications
Miller SR, Luxem K, Lauderdale K, Nambiar P, Honma PS, Ly KK, Bangera S, Bullock M, Shin J, Kaliss N, et al. 2024. Machine learning reveals prominent spontaneous behavioral changes and treatment efficacy in humanized and transgenic Alzheimer's disease models. Cell Reports. 43(11):Article 114870. O, Mocellin P, Remy S. 2024. A hippocampus-accumbens code guides goal-directed appetitive behavior. Nature Communications. 15(1):Article 3196. P, Barnstedt O, Luxem K, Kaneko H, Vieweg S, Henschke JU, Dalügge D, Fuhrmann F, Karpova A, Pakan JMP, et al. 2024. A septal-ventral tegmental area circuit drives exploratory behavior. Neuron. 112(6):1020-1032.e7. F, Mocellin P, Pupe S, Wang L, Lemire AL, Sosulina L, Barnstedt O, Spruston N, Cembrowski MS, Remy S. 2024. Neuronal heterogeneity in the medial septum and diagonal band of Broca: classes and continua. bioRxiv. (bioRxiv). R, Huang J, Li L, Zhao Z, Liang S, Liang S, Wang M, Liao X, Lyu J, Zhou Z, et al. 2023. Holistic bursting cells store long-term memory in auditory cortex. Nature Communications. 14(1):Article 8090. S, Shan Q, Desel C, Duscha A, Haghikia A, Hegelmaier T, Kuhn F, Remy S. 2023. Medical and Behavioral Knowledge Discovery using Multi-Objective Analysis. In CIBCB 2023 - 20th IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology. IEEE. pp. 1-8. M, Mediavilla L, Remy S, Cuntz H, Jedlicka P. 2023. Modelling the contributions to hyperexcitability in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease. Journal of Physiology. 601(15):3403-3437. N, Kuhn F, Brechmann A, Fuhrmann F, Remy S, Spiliopoulou M. 2023. Inferring Salient Motifs during Learning Experiments. Sicilia R, Kane B, Almeida JR, Spiliopoulou M, Andrades JAB, Placidi G, Gonzalez AR, editors. In Proceedings - 2023 IEEE 36th International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, CBMS 2023. IEEE. pp. 245-251. (Proceedings - IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems). ME, Quick HH, Speck O, Bock M, Doerfler A, Forsting M, Hennig J, Ittermann B, Möller HE, Nagel AM, et al. 2023. Germany's journey toward 14 Tesla human magnetic resonance. Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology, and Medicine. 36(2):191-210. KM, Gomes GM, Raman R, Kaushik R, Sosulina L, Kaneko H, Oelschlegel AM, Yuanxiang P, Reyes-Resina I, Bayraktar G, et al. 2023. Jacob-induced transcriptional inactivation of CREB promotes Aβ-induced synapse loss in Alzheimer's disease. The EMBO journal. 42(4):Article e112453. K, Mocellin P, Fuhrmann F, Kürsch J, Miller SR, Palop JJ, Remy S, Bauer P. 2022. Identifying behavioral structure from deep variational embeddings of animal motion. Communications biology. 5(1):Article 1267. L, Mittag M, Geis H-R, Hoffmann K, Klyubin I, Qi Y, Steffen J, Friedrichs D, Henneberg N, Fuhrmann F, et al. 2021. Hippocampal hyperactivity in a rat model of Alzheimer's disease. Journal of Neurochemistry. 157(6):2128-2144.á K, Ludwig F, Kaneko H, Sosulina L, Tetzlaff T, Remy S, Mikulovic S. 2021. Locomotion induced by medial septal glutamatergic neurons is linked to intrinsically generated persistent firing. bioRxiv. F, Wischhof L, Sosulina L, Mittag M, Dalügge D, Fornarelli A, Gardoni F, Marcello E, Di Luca M, Fuhrmann M, et al. 2020. Loss of Ryanodine Receptor 2 impairs neuronal activity-dependent remodeling of dendritic spines and triggers compensatory neuronal hyperexcitability. Cell Death and Differentiation. 27(12):3354-3373. MK, Remy S. 2019. Rabies virus-mediated connectivity tracing from single neurons. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 325:108365.ügge D, Remy S. 2018. Human Cortical Dendrites: Stretched to Perform Better?. Cell. 175(3):635-637. TF, Molina-Campos E, Bean LA, Ybarra N, Borenstein R, Russo ML, Buss EW, Justus D, Neuman KM, Ayala GD, et al. 2018. Store depletion-induced h-channel plasticity rescues a channelopathy linked to Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. 154:141-157.üller C, Remy S. 2018. Septo–hippocampal interaction. Cell and Tissue Research. 373(3):565-575.üller C, Geis HR, Remy S. 2018. Visually Guided Single-Cell Recordings in the Hippocampus of Awake Mice. Manahan-Vaughan D, editor. In Handbook of in Vivo Neural Plasticity Techniques. Elsevier. pp. 123-134. (Handbook of Behavioral Neuroscience). S, Poirazi P, Papoutsi A. 2017. Introduction to the Computational Neuroscience Special Section. European Journal of Neuroscience. 45(8):998-999. D, Dalügge D, Bothe S, Fuhrmann F, Hannes C, Kaneko H, Friedrichs D, Sosulina L, Schwarz I, Elliott DA, et al. 2017. Glutamatergic synaptic integration of locomotion speed via septoentorhinal projections. Nature Neuroscience. 20(1):16-19. LC, Mittag M, Poll S, Steffen J, Wagner J, Geis HR, Schwarz I, Schmidt B, Schwarz MK, Remy S, et al. 2016. Dysfunction of Somatostatin-Positive Interneurons Associated with Memory Deficits in an Alzheimer's Disease Model. Neuron. 92(1):114-125.üller C, Remy S. 2016. Slowly Building Excitement. Cell. 165(7):1568-1569. J, Krauss S, Shi S, Ryazanov S, Steffen J, Miklitz C, Leonov A, Kleinknecht A, Göricke B, Weishaupt JH, et al. 2015. Reducing tau aggregates with anle138b delays disease progression in a mouse model of tauopathies. Acta Neuropathologica. 130(5):619-631. F, Justus D, Sosulina L, Kaneko H, Beutel T, Friedrichs D, Schoch S, Schwarz MK, Fuhrmann M, Remy S. 2015. Locomotion, Theta Oscillations, and the Speed-Correlated Firing of Hippocampal Neurons Are Controlled by a Medial Septal Glutamatergic Circuit. Neuron. 86(5):1253-1264. Y, Klyubin I, Harney SC, Hu NW, Cullen WK, Grant MK, Steffen J, Wilson EN, Do Carmo S, Remy S, et al. 2014. Longitudinal testing of hippocampal plasticity reveals the onset and maintenance of endogenous human Aß-induced synaptic dysfunction in individual freely behaving pre-plaque transgenic rats: Rapid reversal by anti-Aß agents. Acta neuropathologica communications. 2(1):175.Šišková Z, Justus D, Kaneko H, Friedrichs D, Henneberg N, Beutel T, Pitsch J, Schoch S, Becker A, vonderKammer H, et al. 2014. Dendritic structural degeneration is functionally linked to cellular hyperexcitability in a mouse model of alzheimer's disease. Neuron. 84(5):1023-1033. L, Müller C, Averkin RG, Bellistri E, Miklitz C, Uebachs M, Remy S, de la Prida LM, Beck H. 2014. Function of inhibitory micronetworks is spared by Na+ channel-acting anticonvulsant drugs. Journal of Neuroscience. 34(29):9720-9735.üller C, Remy S. 2014. Dendritic inhibition mediated by O-LM and bistratified interneurons in the hippocampus. Frontiers in Synaptic Neuroscience. 6(SEP):23.üller C, Remy S. 2013. Fast micro-iontophoresis of glutamate and GABA: a useful tool to investigate synaptic integration. Journal of Visualized Experiments. (77).üller C, Beck H, Coulter D, Remy S. 2012. Inhibitory Control of Linear and Supralinear Dendritic Excitation in CA1 Pyramidal Neurons. Neuron. 75(5):851-864. R, Remy S, Beck H. 2011. Dendritic integration in hippocampal dentate granule cells. Neuron. 71(3):512-528. S, Su H, Yue C, Remy S, Royeck M, Sochivko D, Opitz T, Beck H, Yaari Y. 2011. An increase in persistent sodium current contributes to intrinsic neuronal bursting after status epilepticus. Journal of Neurophysiology. 105(1):117-129. JY, Remy S, Varela J, Cooper DC, Chung S, Kang HW, Lee JH, Spruston N. 2010. A post-burst afterdepolarization is mediated by group I metabotropic glutamate receptor-dependent upregulation of Cav2.3 R-type calcium channels in CA1 pyramidal neurons. PLoS Biology. 8(11):e1000534. S, Beck H, Yaari Y. 2010. Plasticity of voltage-gated ion channels in pyramidal cell dendrites. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 20(4):503-509. S, Csicsvari J, Beck H. 2009. Activity-Dependent Control of Neuronal Output by Local and Global Dendritic Spike Attenuation. Neuron. 61(6):906-916. M, Horstmann MT, Remy S, Reitze M, Yaari Y, Beck H. 2008. Role of axonal NaV1.6 sodium channels in action potential initiation of CA1 pyramidal neurons. Journal of Neurophysiology. 100(4):2361-2380. S, Spruston N. 2007. Dendritic spikes induce single-burst long-term potentiation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 104(43):17192-17197. S, Beck H. 2006. Molecular and cellular mechanisms of pharmacoresistance in epilepsy. Brain. 129(Pt 1):18-35. U, Kann O, Remy S, Beck H. 2006. Novel mechanisms underlying drug resistance in temporal lobe epilepsy.Advances in neurology. 97:85-95.Yue C, Remy S, Su H, Beck H, Yaari Y. 2005. Proximal persistent Na+ channels drive spike afterdepolarizations and associated bursting in adult CA1 pyramidal cells. Journal of Neuroscience. 25(42):9704-9720. C, Remy S, Beck H, Swandulla D, Hans M. 2004. Modulation of voltage-dependent sodium channels by the δ-agonist SNC80 in acutely isolated rat hippocampal neurons. Neuropharmacology. 47(7):1102-1112. RK, Remy S, Chen J, Sochivko D, Elger CE, Urban BW, Becker A, Beck H. 2003. Molecular and functional changes in voltage-dependent Na+ channels following pilocarpine-induced status epilepticus in rat dentate granule cells. Neuroscience. 119(2):323-333. S, Urban BW, Elger CE, Beck H. 2003. Anticonvulsant pharmacology of voltage-gated Na+ channels in hippocampal neurons of control and chronically epileptic rats. European Journal of Neuroscience. 17(12):2648-2658. S, Gabriel S, Urban BW, Dietrich D, Lehmann TN, Elger CE, Heinemann U, Beck H. 2003. A novel mechanism underlying drug resistance in chronic epilepsy. Annals of Neurology. 53(4):469-479. - Third party funds
Third party funds
2023 - 2027 (DFG)
SynAGE Teilprojekt C2 in Squad C: Synaptic insulin resistance at the basis of trajectories towards cognitive decline in high-risk ageing2023 - 2027 (DFG)
SynAGE Teilprojekt D3.1 in Squad D: Synaptic changes and abberant memory-related network excitability in hippocampal-posterior cortical circuits with ageing2023 - 2025 (Bund)
DZPG Aufbauförderung - "Standort Jena" - Physiologie und Pathophysiologie neuronaler Schaltkreise im Kontext psychischer Gesundheit2022 - 2024 (LSA)
Exzellenz-Cluster Initiative, Kognitive Vitalität 12022 - 2024 (WGL)
Learning Resilience: Supporting neuronal network state transitions to foster stress resilience, Arbeitspaket 2 (self-balancing of cortical network states in stress recilience) und 3 (Brain-wide network state changes in cognitive flexibility behavioral fMRI)2020 - 2024 (DFG)
SFB 1436 TP A03: Neurale Ressourcenallokation durch räumliche Gedächtnisschaltung im Hinblick auf fortschreitende pathologische Herausforderungen - 2023 (LSA)
Anschubfinanzierung Deutsches Zentrum für Psychische Gesundheit - Magdeburg (DZPG-Land)2020 - 2022 (EU)
SUBDECODE - Dendritic Dendritic encoding of movement in space 725693 - SUBDECODE - ERC-2016-COG2020 - 2021 (DFG)
SFB 1089 TPB01: SFB 1089: Funktion synaptischer Mikronetzwerke und deren Störung bei Erkrankungen des Zentralnervensystems ,Teilprojekte B01 - Subkortikale Kontrolle neuronaler Aktivität im Hippokampus während der Lokomotion2020 - 2021 (DFG)
SFB 1089/ TP C07: SFB 1089: Funktion synaptischer Mikronetzwerke und deren Störung bei Erkrankungen des Zentralnervensystems ,Teilprojekte C07 - Dendritische Mechanismen für Bildung von Merkmalselektivität in CA1 Neuronen und deren Beeinträchtigung bei Mausmodellen der Alzheimer-Krankheit