We are pleased to inform you that the registration and abstract submission for the 7th International Conference on Auditory Cortex (ICAC) are already open.
The deadline for early registration and abstract submission is June 18, 2022.
In light of the current developments of the pandemic and the associated forecasts for the summer of 2022, we are fairly optimistic that we can finally hold the conference this year in presence in Magdeburg, from September 3-7, 2022. Currently, the corona restrictions and rules are being relaxed in Germany and elsewhere in Europe, but of course we cannot be sure what the situation will be like in September.
It is conceivable, though perhaps not very likely, that the State of Saxony-Anhalt or the Federal Government might allow people to attend only if they are fully vaccinated against the SARS Cov-2 virus. If you foresee this to be a problem for you, please let us know in time. Please let us know also, if you have any further questions, concerns or wishes regarding the conference in times of the pandemic. We will do our best to work with you to find ways and solutions to make this an enjoyable and safe event for you and all other participants.